Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > The Bonus

The Bonus

The "Bonus" in my life, would happen to be this. It's "highly" unlikely, anyone that "knows me" or my life either.. could "honestly say".. "Gary hasn't been around the block". I can "Flat out" Promise, I go through more every week.. then you do in a year. Maybe a lifetime.

Lots bad too.. "How would you feel".. "umm think of this". You go to a show. You are the "night owl". Sleeping overnight. Suddenly, 50 Blacks or something (gang members) come up to cause problems? I am most "Always" the only one awake then".,, and have to deal with it.

I have to get all the vendors awake, I have to be the "first" to call the police. I am "Always" the one, that brings "cool" back to the festival. That's why "promoters" like me. Cause, I a pretty good at it really. I know how to deal with chit.. very well actually.

I am not "against" blacks. Not against anyone really. To me there are "Black Niggers, and White Niggers". All the same to me. If you come into a "festival". When I am awake (and I am up all night). If you try to cause problems, I could care less your color. I am there to "protect" everyones property. I do this, like all the time.

I'll talk to them. Like every single time. Listen, or not.. their choice. If they want me to call in "20" police cars.. I will. If they want all the vendors against them? "I will". If they want to "simply leave", that's ok too.. The choice is "Always this".. listen.. or go to jail.. I will listen to them, but "Positive" the "outcome I feel" will happen. I always give my choice, then I take it on my own "indicative".

Done a festival every week. Pretty much 37 years. Gonna keep flying my way.

Gary :)

posted on Sept 24, 2009 6:07 PM ()

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