This isn't a post I ever wanted to write. But I will.
I like Roxann alot, I love her and her kids. We however have some "incredible" problems here. Not really with her.
Her kids, are pretty much like "nomads". Stephen is 17, has the mind of a 12 year old. Neither listens, both are disrespectful.
I listen to "Paul", I listen to her parents, to my parents (when here).. neighbors.. everyone. I want to stay, but I can PROMISE I am ready to take off and fly!
Why the hell, should I have to tell them a "hundred" times a day to simply pick up after themselves? They are "disrespectful", dirty, and really only care about themselves.
If things don't change.. I'm gone. Let her and her parents figure it out. They (kids) don't listen to her, she isn't strict enough. Yes she yells, never follows through.
I'll "Blaze". I don't want too, but will. If I do, I promise all will go to hell here. The only one even keeping it somewhat cool is me.
Roxann may read this. I don't care. She knows I always say what I think. Knows, I don't lie. She NEEDS to make her kids listen. I am working on it too. If not.. Bye bye.. see ya all.....