CRC = cyclic redundancy check.
So why the fuck is this is important to me right now? I'll tell ya.
In computers, if you receive an error. An error that says a "CRC" error, it normally means one of 2 things. It means either your hard disk is going out, or whatever you were trying to install.. might have a scratched disk or something.
OK.. I know most of you don't believe chit I say, but I do know what I am talking about. So I'll just say it. I always try to "simplify" things.
Oh "FUCK" this is a hard one for me. I want to explain what I know happens.. still hard.
In your computer, you have "data verification". CRC was designed to detect actual changes in raw data. It's a protection thingy.
If "say" you had an old "hard drive". Tried to install the latest game. You may get a "CRC" error. Because, your computer cannot verify all data will be written properly. You may get one if you got a "virus", many reasons.
Here's why it's important to me right now. I am working on Roxann's computer. New copy of "XP", new hard drive. So I rule alot out. Installing on "her computer" we get constant "CRC" errors. On mine, none. Can be only 1 other thing. Something is going out on her "processor". Works at times, doesn't at times. I'll finish putting it in hers tomorrow, but I will be "profetic" here. I'll make it all work.. but her computer is like an "80 year old" taking his last breaths. May work awhile, will go out.
It's the computer processor. I done ruled all else out. Looks like "soon" we will be buying her a new computer. I sure as hell don't want her "hogging mine".. lol
Gary :)