I don't think there are too many completely honest politicians, but in Obama... I see a lot of dishonestly and intrigue. I plain don't trust the guy.
I saw this video on another blog and thought I would post it here, too. It makes me really wonder even more about the man that so many want to elect as our next President.
If you really think your life is going to be a walk in the park because he is elected... I think you are grossly mistaken. Personally, I don't think that electing McCain will make a big change either. I think Washington has a course set for itself that is not going to change whether Obama or McCain are elected. But... I also see McCain as a true American and I'm just not so sure about Obama being truthful about anything.
Anyhow... enough of my thoughts... please listen to this video and please think about what is presented here.
Annie :o)