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Politics & Legal > Should Obama Make Hillary Sec. of State????

Should Obama Make Hillary Sec. of State????

I have a question for you? Should Obama make Hillary his Secretary of State?

I've been giving this some thought and I'm not exactly sure what is the answer to that question.

Yes: She has a lot of experience in meeting with leaders of other countries. She knows "the ropes."

No: If she traveled to these countries or held dinner's etc. at home for these leaders and included former Pres. Clinton, then they might upstage Obama.

No: If her and her husband, Bill, traveled abroad... such trips would be very public and that might hamper the diplomatic process that sometimes needs to take place in private.

Yes: In the past, her travels often included women's rights and women's issues and she was very successful in this area.

Yes: She already has established relationships with many of these leaders and because of that rapport, they could get right down to the issues.

Yes: Making Hillary Secretary of State would heal wounds from the bitter campaign.

No: Bringing the Clintons back in to the White House, might create a "shadow" government with Hillary appointing her own advisers and staff for her office as Secretary of State. I'm sure there are a lot of old Clinton cronies out there waiting for the chance to come back on board.

As you see... I'm undecided. Maybe you have some thoughts you would like to share.

Annie :o)

posted on Nov 18, 2008 5:32 PM ()


At this time she is not interest in the job.That is the latest news.
Maybe some kind of job for her there.
Think that she accept this,people will expect more of her.
Coni Rice was good.She should stayed on with Obama they make a great team.
I liked her a lot.But guess she had enough.
Working with Bush,I can see why.
comment by fredo on Nov 19, 2008 9:45 AM ()
I am a staunch Obama fan, but I think Hilary would be good in that position, and there is no doubt in my mind that Obama will not tolerate any shenanigans from the Clintons.
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 18, 2008 9:51 PM ()
Humm.. Well seems you know nothing about "politics" if this is your real question.

First of all.. would "Hillary" take the job? Would you spend the millions, If you were her.. Run for election.. and take the "back seat"? Thats like trying to be a "Manager at McDonalds.. and setteling for a "fry cook"...

She will run at the "next election" I will vote for her. She won't settle for less then "President" and I will vote for the ####!

comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 9:17 PM ()
I wouldn't want Mrs. President Clinton as Sec of State if I was in Obama's shoes. But I don't know what goes on behind the scenes either. Perhaps he feels she would bring enough to the administration to outweigh the negatives. You make some good points. And if you read Cisca's ( ) most recent post, you'll see that world opinion of the U.S. is improving already. To that end, a Clinton my be a positive addition! Guess we'll have to wait and see....
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 18, 2008 6:57 PM ()
I think she would be a pretty good Secretary of State. Besides her experience, she is pretty knowledgeable about world affairs, which is really important.
To be honest, one of the strengths of the Clinton administration was his foreign policy so we would probably benefit from bringing people like Madeleine Albright back into discussions about global interactions with our country.
Actually, one of the leading alternatives to Hillary is Gov Bill Richardson, who was Clinton's ambassador to the UN so you will probably end up with someone tied to the Clintons.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 18, 2008 6:57 PM ()

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