The weather has been gradually shifting over the past few days. Those nice warm fall days and crispy mornings have turned to rain and the temperature has dropped considerably.
Deer hunting season starts tomorrow. I hope the rain passes soon or Hubby won't want to go out in the wet. But, then, the deer won't be out and around either. One would probably find that old buck trying to stay dry under a tree somewhere.
JR got home yesterday and he stopped in Klamath Falls and picked up Chance. It is nice to have Chance with us. He looked sooooo very tired and not well at all. I'm sure glad the chemo is over and he can get built back up.
He got out the Lincoln logs and his tinkertoys and went to work building stuff. Then he got out his big remote control truck. It is the coolest toy I have ever seen. It has those halogen looking lights on the front and lights all down the sides and the horn really has a cute beep.
Today, JR and Chance, went to get the bulls from the summer pasture. They just called to say they had a lot of trouble. One bull swam the river and they had to get him back across and then one bull tried to attack the other bull after they had them loaded in the stock trailer. I guess he bent the middle gate in the trailer. We will have to keep those bulls separated when we pasture them. But that isn't anything new.
I have a "face ache" today. Yep... you heard me right. Seems my breathing machine heater isn't working and it blew cold air up my nose all night. Now, my face is in pain today. I've got to get it fixed.
That is life on the ranch today. I'll talk with ya later.
Annie :o)