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Sports & Recreation > Canned Hunting

Canned Hunting

As you know, JR and Chance are on a "hunting safari" in Texas. This whole trip was arranged by a hunting group in Klamath Falls. One of the group heard about Chance and wanted to give him a hunt. We were all very excited about this trip. We thought, "What an opportunity for Chance! A spectacular place for a first hunting experience."

Well, I haven't heard from them since they got to the hunting ranch. It seems there isn't cell phone signal out there. So I have been wondering how it is going. I'm anxious to hear JR's take on this whole situation after he has experienced it.

I did do some research and what I found is very very upsetting. I'm sad that JR and Chance are involved in this situation. I mentioned to JR before he left that I wondered where these people got all of these animals. Now I know and it isn't good. Where is the sport? Of course, I will never say anything to Chance about it, but JR will get an ear full when he returns.

Here is an article I found:


Canned hunting is the killing of an animal in an enclosure, with no chance of escape, in order to obtain a trophy. It is big business in Texas, where some ranchers find the provision of guaranteed kills to hunters willing to pay a premium price to shoot "exotic" animals to be more lucrative than cattle. Whether the "hunt" takes place on a fenced ranch or involves simply shooting into a cage, the target animals have no place to run and no place to hide. Often, the animals are tame and do not know to run from humans. On a typical hunting ranch operation, the animals are fed at a specific time and location. They learn to recognize the sound of the landowner's vehicle as it approaches with food. On the day of a hunt, the owner's vehicle will arrive with hunters instead of food; a kill is thus guaranteed. The price a hunter pays is pre-set for a given trophy animal; if that specific species is not presented as promised, the hunter's money is to be refunded. We have heard of no refunds.

Ranchers usually specialize in the provision of either native species (deer, peccary or javelina, small mammals and birds) or "exotic" species (non-native antelope, deer, boar, sheep, etc.). The animals found on game farms and hunting ranches come from several sources. Some are zoo surplus. Zoo directors must find ways to attract a public and it is well known that baby animals on display sell tickets. In order to make room for new arrivals, older animals are sold as surplus. While AZA-accredited zoos are prohibited from selling directly to hunting ranches, they are permitted to sell to animal dealers, who may then sell to individual collectors, roadside zoos and hunting ranches. The Animal Finder's Guide, a catalog for the underground trade in exotic animals, lists animals from macaques to camels for sale to anyone with cash to buy. It also advertises exotic animal auctions, another prime source of animals for canned hunting operations.

TX Parks and Wildlife, a state agency, sponsors canned hunts on private lands. For a $10 entry fee, a hunter can enter a lottery to participate in a "Big Time Texas Hunt" on a hunting ranch. Offered are opportunities to kill deer, antelope, hogs, alligators and "varmints." TX Parks and Wildlife also receives funding through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, created to provide additional monies for the purchase of private ranches for use by TPW for public hunts.

There is no federal law governing canned hunting operations. The Animal Welfare Act does not regulate game preserves, hunting preserves or canned hunts. The Endangered Species Act does not prohibit private ownership of endangered animals and even allows for the hunting of endangered species with the appropriate permit.

Is this sport? Canned hunting is cruel and unfair; the animals haven't got a chance when facing high-tech firearms and archery equipment in a confined space. Write to your Congressional Representative and Senators today and ask them to reintroduce the bill to ban canned hunts.

For more information... google "canned hunt." Although reading about this "sport" can be very upsetting... so be forwarned.

posted on Dec 29, 2008 2:46 PM ()


I have known about this for years and it is disgraceful.
comment by elderjane on Jan 2, 2009 10:53 AM ()
That sounds so terrible!
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 30, 2008 8:28 AM ()
I just wrote to the HSUS to see what they recommended... I came across some websites though - back in 2007 they were working against this but congress didn't pass the laws... apparently we all need to speak louder to our representatives to make our voices and opinions known!
In case you want to read up:
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 30, 2008 7:17 AM ()
Oh wow Annie....that's definitely cruel! I can't believe the animals are enclosed with no way of using their God given instincts. That's just terrible. It must be so difficult for JR to know what is going on and to continue on with his grandson, for his's just so sad that the ranch does this and no, in my opinion, it isn't a 'sport.'
comment by hopefields on Dec 29, 2008 10:26 PM ()
dear gawd...
from the top of my head I would suggest writing to the mayor of the town... I will def look into this and try to figure out the correct avenues, but I would def start with writing the mayor of wherever this is happening... where is this happening? I might fire a letter off myself tomorrow...
Poor animals. GAWD humans can suck...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 29, 2008 6:27 PM ()
that is cruelty. don't we have any laws about cruelty to animals.
comment by butterfly1969 on Dec 29, 2008 4:58 PM ()
Disgusting, but it goes on. I have always wondered why hunting seems to make some guys (and gals) feel more like "real" men. Having hunted the ultimate 'animal' whilst in BDu's in a steamy place with snakes, monsoons and booby traps, I have no desire to kill defenseless animals. Reasons are many but for one - I can't stand gamey meat. But I do hope they enjoy it. Chance is worth it.
comment by jondude on Dec 29, 2008 4:57 PM ()
I have heard of this and I think it is disgusting.
comment by gapeach on Dec 29, 2008 4:01 PM ()
Some people are lower than animals.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 29, 2008 3:57 PM ()
whoa!that is so cruel and never heard of this.
Why is this going on.That isn't sport,it is a killing field.
I surprised that the organization has not step in looking at this.
Do not like the sound of it.Yes,I can see why you be upset,I know that this person is.They called this a sport.
comment by fredo on Dec 29, 2008 3:37 PM ()

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