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Life & Events > Relationships > A Walnut Tree Unplugged

A Walnut Tree Unplugged

Walnut Tree (Passion) -- unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.
I read a post by Sunlight and found my tree, the Walnut. I was so glad that she wrote her last paragraph explaining how our environment and experiences often times influence the person that we are to become. Although many of these attributes do apply to me, there are some that I hope have been tempered somewhat by my experiences.
I am a passionate person. I love deeply and seek to please those that I love. Therefore, I would not consider myself a difficult partner. If there is difficulty in my home, it is spawned by the fact that I am so obsessed with cleanliness. I want things neat and orderly, items put in their place, and would so enjoy having a laundry hamper free of dirty items for more than a few hours. This behavior was influenced by my mother, who believed that cleanliness is next to Godliness. If I happened to put a dish away damp. She would take every item out of the cabinet for me to wash and dry again. If my bed was not made to her specifications, she would rip everything from the bed for me to redo and redo until I had it exactly right. She influenced me not to expect so much from my family as she did me.
Since I was never good enough in the eyes of my mother but fell short of her expectations, I have suffered from an inferiority complex. Therefore, I would never describe myself as egotistical or aggressive. I am not the leader, but the peacemaker. Whenever there was friction at school, I was always the mediator, the one seeking to alleviate the anger or distress. I wanted a harmonious environment in my classroom and was careful to build the self esteem of the students. I always told them that my classroom was my home and they were my family. I expected them to treat one another with the same respect that I treated them.
The only area in which I was inflexible and uncompromising was my expectations of myself and the skills that I wanted to instill in my students. I strove to be an excellent teacher and prepare by students for all obstacles that they might encounter. I never wanted them to feel inadequate as I had throughout my lifetime. In choosing a curriculum for my students, I chose stories, essays, and poetry that would teach beauty and tolerance. I wanted them to eliminate the prejudices in their lives created by a narrow environment and to be able to judge a person not by his color, economic condition, or religion but by his character and by the way that he treated others.
I know that we cannot please everyone nor will we be liked by everyone that we  meet, but I hope that I will be remember kindly by most of those that I have touched in some small way.

posted on May 3, 2008 7:31 AM ()


This was a very interesting telling of yourself and I enjoyed reading it very much. Your closing line is what really struck me because, like me, you accept the fact that not all people will like everybody, but everyone should strive for peaceful tolerance and acceptance...I call it decency. As far as being remembered kindly for touching someone in one small way, you have already touched many who already remember the special person you are. I'm one of those people who doesn't have to wait to look back and remember because I already know it.
comment by donnamarie on May 7, 2008 10:08 AM ()
Wow... my mom was such a perfectionist she never let me do anything. When I married (the first time) I only knew how to cook soft boiled eggs!
comment by artisticgypsy on May 4, 2008 4:24 PM ()
Angie, you are an angel! Your first comment explains everything to me. It is amazing to me that such moms exist... mine was so sweet to me. I only remember her being a little irritated at me once. I will never forget that because it was so uncharacteristic. You are a wonder in spite of your mom's influence (maybe because of it).
comment by sunlight on May 3, 2008 8:57 PM ()
Angie. I could have been the one writing this. My mother was exactly like yours. I too could never please her, which led to an inferiority complex that I have fought my entire life. I swore I would never be that hard on my family just as you did. I too always set high expectations for myself as a teacher.
comment by redimpala on May 3, 2008 3:09 PM ()
The description of the Walnut Tree personality sounds quite a bit like my mother, except she was not a clean freak. She was a perfectionist when it came to sewing, and was very critical of me and what I did, but didn't pass along any great passion for having a perfectly cleaned house. I just looked up my own, and I am a cypress tree (faithfulness). It's surprising how much I agree with the description.
comment by troutbend on May 3, 2008 11:40 AM ()
comment by angiedw on May 3, 2008 8:43 AM ()
comment by ocean1 on May 3, 2008 8:41 AM ()
That is interesting stuff. It's so true how certain life experiences can alter characteristics that we might've otherwise been prone to. That's unbelievable about your mother's super high expectations of you! Hmm... now I'm curious to see what my tree is...
comment by mellowdee on May 3, 2008 8:07 AM ()

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