Daisy AsIf


Daisy AsIf
Cross Lanes, WV


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*First of all, if you pray, please include Nana in your prayers. God love her and give her family some sanity and strength.*
And now back to the regularly scheduled post....
He watched that Dr. Oz Health Quiz on Oprah the other day and decided to pass along the bit of info that you should sex more than 200 times a year because it increases your life by like something of eight years. What he doesn't realize is that I stopped having sex years ago with people I didn't like. And he knows that I am not liking him too much these days. Maybe it's because just as soon as I could eat a meal without taking one of those please don't let my gall bladder kill me pills I have come down with one of those lovely thick snotting allergy/sinus infections that I get about every four months. And PMS is here. OO-RR, picture this, it could be that he's simply an ass and I'm not that into him these days. Whatever the reason, his life has been cut short by at least eight years.
I'm definitely in a mood.
I chose to leave Grace here the other day while we made the trip to the VA hospital. I knew that it would be ugly when I got home because it always is when she is left alone with mom. She, meaning Grace, refused to talk to any of us, even Mak, when we returned home. Mom, on the other hand, talked entirely too much throughout the course of the evening. I was given the verbal list of things I do wrong with Grace. Bullshit. And I told her that. You can't preach to the world what a fantastic mommy I am one day and then turn around and point out the things I am doing wrong. It all boils down to this: Grace isn't as smart and polite as she is because I am not a good mom; she's the way she is because I fucking rock as a mom. And it's not like my mom wears a Mom Of The Year medal on her fucking breast.
I'm definitely in a mood.
Grace hasn't been allowed to hang out with grandma for two days. Life in my third floor apartment has been quite lovely. She is up there with granny now while the chicken nuggets bake and then it's home where I will put Mak to bed and Grace to something. We're in the process of making birthday cards for my cousin. Her birthday is Sunday, which means she won't get them in time, but at least it's something.
Oh hey. Have I mentioned that we are now, once again, the proud owners of a rabbit? Yeah. Remember the county fair we went to last month and Grace carried a goldfish home in a plastic bag? Well, we went to yet another county fair last weekend--gotta love living in a country state where every county has a fair--and she popped a wiffle ball into a red hole and came home toting a bunny, cute as shit, in a cardboard box.  I like to think we saved it from a hard life, but it really isn't much different at our house. Living in a cage is living in a cage, I guess.
Well, the nuggets are done so it's time to go and be that kick ass kind of mom again. Have a great Thursday. Tomorrow's Friday.

posted on Aug 21, 2008 9:37 AM ()


Wow! Mom's can really get your hackles up--along with the men in our lives!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been there and done that and it is definitely not a high point! Hang in there kiddo and give them what for!
comment by angiedw on Aug 22, 2008 3:39 AM ()
At the rate I'm going it will take me years to hit 200.I need to find a good man and than maybe I could get it done in less time.You do ROCK as a Mom(and Dad when needed).Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 21, 2008 6:04 PM ()
I heard on my radio show this morning that men with more than one wife live longer... I am starting to think there is some dude out there spouting off this crap to piss us off... or make us laugh... I kinda like the latter myself...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 21, 2008 2:30 PM ()
You have to have sex 200 times a year? Wow..I'm in deep sh*t then.. I know what your saying too. I've been in a mood all week too. At work and at home. Work is making me nuts this week..because of all the friggin nuts, and home..sweetie is in a mood, and I had enough of it too...so life is just sweall at the moment. I'm reading my Melody Beaty book...on patience...cuz I need it, either that of a stiff drink..
comment by elfie33 on Aug 21, 2008 12:06 PM ()
I need a little more clarification...Is it 200 sessions? 200 orgasms? Do bjs count or do you actually have to do the deed? Enquiring minds want to know!!!
comment by thepirateinthecity on Aug 21, 2008 10:59 AM ()
Who the hel1 has time to have sex 200 times a year? Oh maybe a prostitue. That's all we need is a bunch of old prostitutes around..
comment by meranda on Aug 21, 2008 10:23 AM ()
200 times a year? Fcuk me sideways, I'd do anything for 100 times a year!
Happy almost Friday!
comment by mrsstu on Aug 21, 2008 10:12 AM ()

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