So this morning started on a late note. Yep, we were late getting up to head to the VA for Da Man's dental appointment. This is the third or fourth time he has made an attempt to get his tooth fixed.
So we get up thirty minutes late. I rush around doing the whore's bath thang and wonder aloud at Mak as to why she is awake that early in the morning. I take her downstairs with me where I hand her and my mile long list of instructions and reminders to mom. See, she and my cousin were taking the girls to the doc today to get the dreaded immunizations while I was at the VA with Da Man.
Mom tells me that we better hurry up and get out of here because there was a horrible wreck on the interstate and traffic was being rerouted. Okay, I thought, rerouting is fine, right? I mean, it just means that things will be moving slowly but moving nonetheless, right? WRONG.
Two miles across the state line and I was forced to come to a screeching halt because of the traffic jam. Both eastbound lanes were stopped, and they remained stopped for an hour and a half that I know of because we were stuck there for an hour and a half. I mean, we were everyone turned their engines off to conserve gas stuck there for an hour and a half.
I tell Da Man to get on the phone and call the VA to explain the situation. Just as the VA phone rings, mine beeps to tell us that the battery is low. Lovely. He gets a voice mail and leaves a message saying that he is running late but will be there. I mean, three minutes into the traffic jam and we're pretty optimistic, ya know? After thirty minutes he calls back and leaves another message, saying that he's stuck in traffic. Fortyfive minutes into the traffic jam he calls the VA and leaves yet another message. I follow that with a call to mom to explain that the cell phone is quickly dying and ask her to get ahold of the dental clinic. She somehow managed to speak to a live person and reschedules the appointment. By the time she and my cousin left the house with the girls we had been stuck for an hour and a half.
Finally the traffic began to move and I used one of those Emergency Vehicles Only turn arounds and headed home. We stopped at the bank and then headed to the doc's office. When I opened the waiting room door the first thing I noticed was that Grace wasn't wearing her glasses. The second thing I noticed was Mak was running around like a heathen. The girls were in rare form. I kept waiting for mom to put them in check, but she never did...but I did. It wasn't but two or three minutes before I had Miss Grace sitting at the children's table and Miss Mak plopping her little butt down. It was pure chaos.
I took the girls back for their exams. Grace had to have her grandma. Da Man took Mak. The entire thing took almost two hours. I will never for the life of me know why it takes so damned long to see the doctor. Never.
I talked to him about my trip to the ER and walked out of his office with two very pissed off girls (they got shots, remember?) and an appointment for an ultrasound of my gall bladder on September 11th. He asked if I had insurance and I told him no. He looked at me and said, "Do you want me to write the order up for you?"
"Yeah. I have to have it done, insurance or no," I said. And it fucking blows to not have health insurance. But at least the girls do, eh.
The rest of the day was pretty laid back. Mak slept for four (count them: four) hours while mom and Grace headed to some kids' day thing at a local park. I had the entire afternoon to myself because Da Man napped while Mak napped. I sat here and waded through the forwards that were flooding my inbox, and I played stupid games that required me to think about nothing but the game. And that was nice.
This evening the neighbor friend stopped by and asked if I could do her "a HUGE favor." How did I know it was going to have something to do with the seven year old son of hers? And it did indeed. She asked if I could watch him for a couple of hours while she went to a meeting. She said that she couldn't get ahold of her husband and wasn't allowed to take kids to the meeting with her. Hmm...what to do, what to do. So I swallowed the bitter pill of watching another child.
I am not going to make a big deal out of the fact that her husband didn't come home as she had anticipated or the fact that her "couple of hours" turned into three hours, the third being a very long hour. And the reason I'm not going to go on about it because I like her. But I would really like for someone's favor being more to the tune of: "Hey! Would you do me a huge favor? How about letting me take the girls for a couple of hours and you do whatever you want to do?" Maybe someday, right?
As for now, I am going to head upstairs and go to bed. I'm hoping Da Man is asleep. I'm hoping the girls are asleep. Because that's all I want to do: sleep.
Have a great weekend. :-)