Silence. Except for the fact that C has talked to every pet he has come into contact with this morning, I have heard or talked to no one yet today. That's because it's eight in the morning and I'm the only one up. Well, okay, C is up, but he doesn't ambulate down the stairs because of that having only one leg deal of his, and I haven't heard the familiar click of his electric wheelchair being put into gear yet, so I am still pretty much alone.
I don't know why I'm up already; there's no reason for it. Except for the fact that Grace came and got into bed with us at 5:30 this morning and I woke up with my back all cramped and a foot in the small of it. I snuck out of bed and decided that I would head down here. I know from experience that I don't dare turn the tv on to catch the morning news on or anything because one of the girls would hear it and demand to spend the morning with me. So I'm hiding in the basement. I can only pray that C allows mom the privilege of sleeping in so I won't even have to talk to her this morning.
It's going to be a hot one today. The humidity is already up, covering everything in a thick haze. Yuck. I don't mind the heat so much as the ungodly humidity. It's rough on us fat people.
I passed a car yesterday whose license plate read "Why Me." I don't know why, but I found that to be kind of sad. Just the fact that the chicka driving seemed to be resigned to always being "the one" shit happened to. And then I thought, wait a minute. I want to stop her and compare notes. Either she would realize that she isn't "the one" because my notes would trump hers or she would make me feel a hell of a lot better about things in my world. Ha.
It's Thursday. That means that there are only two more days of this hellishly scheduled week. Yay. I can't believe that July is almost over. Already. Someone told me that the older you get the faster time goes, and, I must admit it, it does seem to be true. I realized last night that in three months I will be 37 years old. Thirty friggin' seven. When did that happen?
I had no interaction with anyone outside of Da Man and my girls since yesterday afternoon. Well, anyone here in the house. I drove the neighbor friend and both of her kids to Bible school last night. What a friggin' fiasco that place is. I was so ready to get out of there. I am beginning to make friends with a couple of the kids. Well, they're beginning to make friends with me. I'm still not a big fan of kids.
That was the biggest fear I had when I found out I was pregnant for the first time, the fact that I wasn't really a fan. I used to liken them to cats in the way that they both seemed to have an uncanny knack for immediately knowing which people didn't really like them and picking that person out for their attention and affection. Grace's Bible school class reinforces that point.
There's one little boy who just wanders. I don't know how old he is, but I'm guessing about three and a half. He's cute as far as looks go, but more time is spent corralling him in the room than anything else. And there's a little girl who has the same problem. She's a real tool. Grace is, by far, the best behaved child in her class, and I'm thinking it's because her mama is probably the only one out of the whole lot who isn't afraid to swat her on the ass when nothing else works. Ha.
I was on my way out the door last night when one little girl refused to get out of her chair to join the rest of the throng for singing. The teacher tried to talk her into getting up but she refused. So finally the teacher decided that she was going to pick her up and carry her into the singing crowd. But, just as she was lifting the girl out of the chair, she tripped over the tip of her flip flop and took a plunge. She's a rather large woman, the teacher, and the fall happened in slow motion. She stumbled forward and then tried to catch herself but only managed to turn her body around. She banged her head on the wall and hit her side on the back of a little metal chair. I don't know how she ended up landing on her ass, but she did. I was stunned. And you know, falls happen in slow motion. I am very proud of myself because I didn't laugh out loud. Had I have known her, I probably would have stood there and laughed until I pissed my pants.
I didn't know what else to do besides offer to help get her up from the floor and ask a few times if she was sure she was okay. After being told that she just needed to sit there for a minute or two, I picked up, literally, where she had left off with the girl, meaning that I lifted her out of the chair and carried her out into the throng of singers. And then I made the secret gesture toward the neighbor friend and we were out of there.
I was under the impression that we would make a trip through Timmy's to grab some coffee and then head home. Ha. The neighbor friend had to stop and get a case of beer for her husband. And then she had already promised the kids that we would stop at the Dairy Queen. I just wanted to go home. I didn't want ice cream, I wanted to go home and sit on my couch. So I stayed in the truck and made them get their ice cream to go. Maybe if I had realized when the truck left the curb last night that a huge outing was planned it would have been different. Nah. It wouldn't have; I still would have wanted to just come home.
There's a pool party for the kids of Bible school this Saturday evening. Da Man has to work afternoon shift that day, and I'm mentally trying to decide how I would handle both girls in the pool on my own. I did it in the lake but Mak was in her little floaty thing. Now Grace is all into jumping from the side of the pool.
I just remembered that I saw two people fall yesterday. We were driving Grace to dance class after swimming and some older chicka was riding a bike down the trail. I saw her wobble but thought nothing of it. And then I saw her bike fall. The man she was with stopped and laughed at her (see, I'm not the only one who finds falling funny). I felt sorry for her because she landed on the asphalt with a nice thud. Maybe it's the moon.
C must be looking for his newspaper. He just took a trip to the end of the ramp in his wheelchair and just asked me what I was doing down here. So my alone time has come to an abrupt halt. Oh well. At least I managed to get almost an hour, eh. Shit. I might as well go home and turn the morning news on now.
HaHa Yeah why not YEW! Reminds me of the dining room set we are getting from the mom-in-law. It’s old old, even has the indentations made from countless kids homework. One carving stands out the most…I HATE MY LIFE. Cracks me up whenever I think about it. If I do end up sanding it back, I’m thinking I’ll leave that one just as a reminder…
I knooow. I reckon time starts to sped up once you hit 21. I often think about MY parents having a 43 yr old daughter.
I’m not a total fan either. But I do find they are fun to pick at. Funnily enough it’s only now that I’m *cough* that daughter, that I have no hesitation in telling whatever kid to rack off and go bug someone else now…then I usually poke at them.
Oh how I laughed…I could see the visual of the fall. I can NOT help but laugh at anyone falling, when it’s a comical fall and no bones are sticking out of them. And if I know them, once I stop laughing enough I relive their fall to them. I figure there are plenty enough bastids out there that have laughed at my spills etc.
Well crap ay…I’m a yapper at yew.
ByeBye now...