Sorry to all of you because I have not, and tonight will be no exception, had the time to sit here and read about your lives. I'm upset about that because I miss you all and often find myself thinking about you. Shit, one of my most favorite people in the world had to resort to email to get HUGE news to me. Yeah, I suck. And for that I am sorry. One day soon it will all slow down. Right? Right.
As for life, Grace is attending another Bible school this week. I know, I know, two in two weeks seems to be a little much. BUT I feel it's okay because last night when the teacher held her Bible carrying case up in the air and asked what it was, Grace replied, "It's your wallet." So um, yeah, maybe it's time she get a bit of religion in her life that doesn't encompass such things as crystals and spirit guides.
Things haven't changed much. I loathe living next door to the fucking Hostess Factory. I also loathe forwarded emails by the dozens, in case any of you were wondering. And I especially loathe forwarded emails by the dozens from a mother and daughter. Hello? McFly? Is it a race to see who I reply to first because guess what? You both lose--I don't reply to forwarded emails. Ha.
They're talking about making West Virginia one of the few states to attend school all year. I was like "huh?" when I first read it but then was like "oh" when I read further and found that the kids are given four three week breaks, which equals a summer vacation. It still seems wrong in some way though. And I guess there's an elementary school in the southern part of the state that has operated like that for years. I suppose we have to do something to keep up with China and Japan, eh. *roll eyes*
And dig this: We returned home from Bible school tonight and the neighbor friend met us as soon as we got out of the truck. At first I was really turned off by the whole thing and told Da Man that I felt as if I was being stalked. But then, as if The Universe was forcing me to eat my words, she told me that she had ran across some Thin Mints and Samoas. Oh. My. God. Thin Mints? Four boxes? In fucking July? SCORE! For real. I don't know if I would have been any happier had I have won the lottery.
And I am now a vermicomposter. That's right, my worms, approximately 1000 of them in the pound, arrived last Thursday. They're munching away on coffee grounds and filters. Yum, right. It doesn't sound so hard, but, for some reason, the simplest things are the things I usually have the most trouble with. BUT I received in the mail today the vermicomposting bible, Worms Are Eating My Garbage, and hope that I don't kill the wiggly little things. If it goes well I might even donate a pound of them to Grace's school. Teach is scared to death of things that squirm, so what could possibly be more appropriate. Ha.
I kicked mom out of the basement and away from the computer tonight, which is why I have time to write. I used laundry as an excuse. Whatever works, right. But now it's time to switch the loads around. *sigh*
Again, sorry for being absent. Not that it may really matter to any of you, but it does to me. I miss you. And to Mrs. Stu----
YAY! :-)