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Life & Events > I Caught The Last Lecture

I Caught The Last Lecture

After the parent's meeting last night I was pretty much spent. I was so tired. Wednesdays are the nights that it all catches up to me for some reason. Must be that middle of the week thing.
Grace and I had a huge thing last night when it was time for her to go to bed. She threw one of her best fits over her pajamas. I'm not going to say much about it except I was very glad for the morning and a new start.
I sat and watched the news special on "The Last Lecture" last night. And I cried. A couple of times. I realized I was crying once when his wife was talking about not being able to change the fact that her husband had cancer. And I cried again when she was talking about when and how they would tell their children.
I also cried at the very end when he asked the audience if they had caught the "second head fake." He said, "This wasn't for you; it was for my kids." The way he talked of and about his kids throughout the interviews cut right to my soul. At one point he said that one day someone will throw his family off a cliff and he won't be there to catch them. He followed this with saying that he could build safety nets. And he said that it was sad that he wouldn't be a dad, but it was unfair that he wouldn't be there for them.
It was when Diane Sawyer asked the viewing audience that should they ever see the family out to please not say anything to the kids about their dad being sick that it really hit me. They took a huge chance, didn't they? They put their lives out there in front of millions of people. And that's not what really hit me. What *really* hit me was the fact that they trust in people enough to do that. They trust in people, millions of people whom they will never meet, to not say anything to their kids should they see them out.
Trust has always been an issue of mine. I wasn't very old when I started to develop this attitude that you couldn't trust anyone other than yourself. And here I am, closer to forty than thirty and am still working to get it back. Yet these two people seem to make it appear so easy. And they make it easy with such a huge thing.
I will probably buy the book, which is something I don't often do. I have hundreds and hundreds of books, but I can't think of one that I ran out and bought simply because I was so moved by the person who wrote it.
I used to sit and read aloud to Tim. He wasn't much of a reader, but he enjoyed being read to. I was thinking last night that this would be the type of book to read with Da Man. I actually thought of quite a few people in my life that I would like to read this book with.
So his thing was "Are you a Tigger or an Eeyore?" I'm an Eeyore. Most of the people in my life are Eeyores. But now that I am aware of that, I think I just may do something to change that. What are you? Are you a Tigger or an Eeyore?

posted on Apr 10, 2008 8:33 AM ()


Thursday is my day/night where it all catches up to me.
comment by janetk on Apr 11, 2008 2:19 PM ()
I tend to be more Eeoyre ish... but I have my bouncy Tigger days. I tend to have a lot of perseverance... and drive... and I try not to let life get me down... :)
comment by spicybitch on Apr 11, 2008 4:39 AM ()
Very good. This is sad. I watched some of this on Strider's.
comment by texastar on Apr 10, 2008 6:57 PM ()
Great story...I posted a video on this
comment by strider333 on Apr 10, 2008 5:20 PM ()
I had seen him before and I could not bring myself to watch it again. His outlook is incredible but I cried for an hour after I watched him.
comment by gapeach on Apr 10, 2008 2:04 PM ()
Tiggers are wonderful things...
comment by thepirateinthecity on Apr 10, 2008 10:34 AM ()
I saw him on Oprah one day I think...or maybe it was on here on someones blog...He is a brave man.
comment by elfie33 on Apr 10, 2008 9:33 AM ()
um... I am not getting that... it's been awhile since Winnie the pooh!
Is it like pessimistic or optimistic? If so then I would be a Tiggyore.
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 10, 2008 9:04 AM ()
I'm a Tigger for sure.
comment by meranda on Apr 10, 2008 8:43 AM ()

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