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This Oughta Be Good

Health & Fitness > Never Too Young or Old for Free Stuff

Never Too Young or Old for Free Stuff

Tuesday is Senior Day at the Station casinos in Las Vegas. The piped-in music is all catchy tunes from the 1950s, the buffet costs less for seniors, and there are bonus points earned with gambling.

There was a couple in their 70s eating in the buffet who looked like they dressed up in 50s or 60s or something costumes for senior day. They were both wearing vests, his was leather, and he had a hat on with fake gray hair bushing out of the top. I thought that was so cute, to make a trip to the casino into their own little fun event.

Today at Texas Station there was also a senior expo put on by Senior Dimensions, the Medicare supplemental insurance company in Nevada. We were probably the youngest people there, but I asked one of the oldsters, she said anybody could go, so we went.

It was fantabulous. There was free loot and a tote bag to put it in. Besides a bunch of health-care related stuff like medication diaries, we came home with nail/vegetable brushes, those soft rubber jar openers, pencil sharpeners, and magnifying book marks.

There was a buffet - fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, yogurt, cookie bars, little muffins, small bagels, big soft pretzels, and beverages.

There was entertainment - geriatric dancing groups - women dressed in flashy costumes doing slow tap and line dancing on the stage while the audience sat at big round tables and enjoyed the food and the show. My favorite was a Cab Calloway impersonator in a chartreuse suit. He also did a Louie Armstrong/Billie Holiday duet that involved putting a flower behind his ear and singing falsetto.

There were information booths manned by people from the county assessor's office, the Alzheimer's Assn, and the Atomic test workers union trying to find people who were injured by the testing in the area. That guy didn't look very friendly so I didn't ask if he glows in the dark, but I did pick up a coupon to save $2 on admission to the Nuclear Testing Museum here in Las Vegas.

Mr. Troutbend came home with two big pretzels to eat during the baseball game tonight, two strawberry jam packets, some tea bags, a yogurt, two bananas and an orange. He's very proud of himself, and this very moment is rearranging his food loot with a proprietary look on his face.

Regarding my Robo Call post where I said in Nevada we can fill out a form to have our voter information not available to the public, in my other home state, Colorado, this is only available to victims of domestic abuse or stalking and requires police reports to prove it. So I guess it is a state-by-state thing. If you want to stop getting all that wasteful campaign mail, you might check and see if your state has a similar option. Look for information on the website for your state's election commission for more information.

Another thing I don't know if all states have is the ability to vote for 'none of these candidates' on the Nevada ballot. It doesn't apply to all races, but when Mr. Troutbend voted today, that's what he picked for governor. We don't discuss politics much around here, because we are polar opposites. We don't even vote in the same state any more.

posted on Oct 27, 2010 2:05 PM ()


It sounds like a wonderful day. Those little bottles are very handy for traveling.
comment by elderjane on Oct 29, 2010 5:03 AM ()
I am so jealous of your free stuff!The big, chewy pretzels, especially.I'm glad you enjoyed your day but I do wish we could have found out if that guy glowed in the dark.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 28, 2010 5:19 PM ()
Scored BIGtime...
comment by kjstone on Oct 28, 2010 2:40 PM ()
Hafta admit...I do love FREE! and also feeling like I got a great bargain!
comment by firststarisee on Oct 28, 2010 10:49 AM ()
Sounds like a fabulous place to see and experience
comment by febreze on Oct 28, 2010 9:14 AM ()
It's totally different from living in the mountains all summer.
reply by troutbend on Oct 28, 2010 10:17 AM ()
I can just "see" everything you're talking about. You two do make strange bedfellows (so to speak). I see that Rachel Maddow was in Vegas yest. I'm in love with her. Too bad she's lesbian. Viva.
comment by solitaire on Oct 28, 2010 6:45 AM ()
I've never seen Rachel Maddow on TV, and now we don't have cable at home, but next time we stay in a hotel I'll see if we can get that channel.
reply by troutbend on Oct 28, 2010 10:20 AM ()
So you are outing Mr. T as a Republican? Glad you enjoyed mixing with the older set.
comment by tealstar on Oct 27, 2010 4:43 PM ()
He is a staunch Republican, but since he has only a few words to say per day, he keeps his mouth shut about it. He never chats, expounds, or otherwise volunteers information, we have to ask the right questions to find out what is on his mind.
reply by troutbend on Oct 27, 2010 9:31 PM ()
Mr Troutbend and I must be soul siblings. DH frowns on my appropriation of the little soups, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, mending kits and shoe shine kits from the motels we stay at. I keep telling him, "I don't take everything. I leave the shower caps behind."
comment by nittineedles on Oct 27, 2010 2:39 PM ()
No, he's glomming onto everything like that. There are literally hundreds of shampoos from casino hotels in his bathroom cabinets. He was leaving the soaps but I told him I need them for the rental cabins, so I think he's bringing those home now. But he does leave the shower caps.
reply by troutbend on Oct 27, 2010 9:34 PM ()
I can't wait to be out in Vegas again... Fastabulous Las Vegas!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 27, 2010 2:07 PM ()
There was a news promo the other night, in between political ads. Something about what a freak show it is on the Strip and what Metro is doing to clean it up. I was wondering why they would want to since that's what the tourists come here to see.
reply by troutbend on Oct 27, 2010 9:35 PM ()

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