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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > How Was Winter?

How Was Winter?

As I've mentioned before, it's time to look forward to summer in the Colorado Rockies, so I'll take a moment for a review of the winter.

This winter was the best one so far here in Las Vegas. I attribute this to the addition of an extra bed so that if I have trouble sleeping I can move in there and not bother Mr. Troutbend with the reading light, or any snoring should I drop off to sleep again.

Last year he bought a foam rubber wedge mattress topper for on the queen size bed. It is about 2 inches thick at the foot, and 6 inches at the head of the bed, which is supposed to help his gastric reflux. I never liked it because it was 4 inches wider than the mattress, and was always working its way crooked, so there would be six inches off one side (my side) of the bed, and the sheets weren't staying on. Finally, about a month ago I said Bring the electric hedge clippers, we're going to trim some inches off the side of this thing.

He brought the regular hedge loppers with the long blades instead of the electric, and we trimmed it up. Made a world of difference, now the topper stays on the mattress so I don't feel like I'm going to slide off the bed all the time.

The new extra bed is a day bed with trundle that I got for $10 at an auction in Colorado last fall. We needed a guest bed here, and a place to take a nap of an afternoon. It is in my sewing room, and ready for guests should we have any. There is also a sofa bed in the living room, but it's not convenient to fold it out in the middle of the night if a person can't sleep, and if we had company, they would feel like they were sleeping in a train depot what with the living room being two stories tall and in the public part of the house.

And then, there is the kitchen makeover - new appliances, counter tops, and sink, which has made me feel so much more at home here. It is amazing what a difference it made in how I feel about this house and spending time in Las Vegas.

I've had my eye on the driving weather, and it's looking better and better. Time to start packing boxes and getting organized, but I'm good at pacing myself, so it'll take a few days before I'm ready to load up the truck and hit the road. I'll keep you posted.

Other than that, we've had a nice time with each other, read a lot of books, went on that 'free' cruise, enjoyed Buddy the Cat's antics.

As the weather heats up more and more bushes and trees are in bloom around town and in our yard. There are a lot of pretty landscapes here in Las Vegas; some years are better than others for flowers, this being a good one, although it was a dry winter.

Gosh! re-reading this, you'd think the hedge clippers was the highlight of the winter. Close enough, it's pretty typical of the things we get up to.

posted on Apr 13, 2008 4:39 PM ()


Speaking of guests.....(if you'll have me!). I'm still in the planning stage, but will let you know soon. It'll be on my way back home.
comment by solitaire on Apr 14, 2008 8:31 AM ()
I've had to trim a few of those mattress cushions. I know you are looking forward to getting back to gorgeous Colorado. I always love the pictures you post when you are there.
comment by redimpala on Apr 14, 2008 5:44 AM ()
Your kitchen remodel looks great. I have never wanted a big kitchen. We would like to remove the false ceiling in ours and install pendant lights instead of all those florescent lights.
comment by elderjane on Apr 14, 2008 4:14 AM ()
P.S. Your kitchen resembles mine in that it is like a cockpit and I like that because I can do everything without traveling. I am happy you are enjoying it.
comment by tealstar on Apr 14, 2008 4:02 AM ()
Hey, a bed that stays put would also be the highlight of my week. I refer to my husband as "Ed, Destroyer of Bedding". He thrashes so that the sheet winds up in the middle of the bed in a ball. I tried pinning it to the comforter at the edges and that works but it was damaging the comforter. whereas little Ms. Neat here, just has to pull the covers straight and my side is made.
comment by tealstar on Apr 14, 2008 4:00 AM ()

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