I usually like Nicholas Cage's movies, but not the one I just saw called "Next."
Here is the Netflix blurb:
"Las Vegas magician Cris Johnson (Nicolas Cage) can see a few minutes into the future, an ability he uses to enhance his shows -- and to win at blackjack. But when FBI counterterror agent (Julianne Moore) wants his help in thwarting a nuclear attack on Los Angeles, Cris finds his psychic skills put to the ultimate test. Based on Philip K. Dick's short story "The Golden Man," this sci-fi thriller co-stars Jessica Biel and Peter Falk."
This is the first time I have not enjoyed a performance by Nicholas Cage: he acted like he was trying to act like there was a lot on his mind. Well, I suppose there was: he could see 2 minutes into the future so according to how the movie was edited, his life was a series of short flashbacks and 'what-if ' scenarios interspersed with 2 minute of reality here and there. But he acted like he had a headache the whole time, and never gave me the trademark flashes of brilliance I expect from N. Cage. There was no chemistry between him and and the love interest, and the dialog by all of the actors was dismally trite and stilted, just poor writing. I was gratified to see that other reviewers on Netflix agreed with me:
"A clever premise with a lot of potential (a man can see 2 minutes into his own future) from yet another Phillip K. Dick story is largely ruined by shoddy execution. The screenwiters (all three of them!) had no idea what to do with the premise so they wrote bad dialog, characters actions that make no sense, and a weak cop-out ending. And why isnt there even an attempt to explain why Cage can see into the future? There are a few good action scenes but others look like cheap previz CGI that never got finished. And whats with the actors? Nicholas Cage plays the lead so detacted he looks like hes about to fall asleep. Jessica Biel is badly miscast. The film is even ugly to look at, with cruddy-looking cheap cinematography and lazy production design. Take a pass."
One reviewer did mention the scenery, and it WAS good - the grand canyon, including the bottom where the Havasupi tribe lives, but the rest of the movie was so irritating, I don't recommend wasting your time and money renting this DVD.
Pass on this movie and had no interest in it.
Yes,a lot of them make bad movies,but to them is a job and get paid.
Thats all its count.They have bills to pay also.