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This Oughta Be Good

Politics & Legal > Warming


I've watched some of those dire prediction documentaries about what global warming (whether or not it is human-caused) is going to bring. They talked about the sea levels rising over the next decades, and I remember thinking it's too bad I won't be around to see if it comes true, and what would it look like.

Then along came Hurricane Sandy, and now I have a pretty good idea of what is to come.





Last year Mitt Romney said he would do away with FEMA and have the state and city governments handle disaster relief "... or better yet, push it to the private sector," he said.

What it means for the private sector to be involved is that when your power lines are downed by a storm, everyone on your street is going to receive a big fat bill for the repairs in the mail, and if you don't pay it, a lien will go against your property. We've gotten used to our tax dollars paying for the maintenance and repair of utilities. I suppose the GOP would call this a feeling of entitlement.

A couple of years ago I saw some of this in action at my place in Colorado. The fire department wanted a mill levy passed, and when it was defeated they sent out an annual bill of $130 to each landowner. I had three parcels, so that was $390 I was paying in addition to my expensive homeowners insurance.

If a homeowner didn't pay the assessment and had a fire, they would be billed for what the fire department claimed they owed. Someone's barn caught fire and they were billed $10,000. A few months later, the town said they'd decided that every single piece of equipment didn't have to roll on every single call (firemen always show up in force), so maybe next barn fire would cost less. Next election, the voters approved the mill levy for the fire department.

I wonder how much of this sort of municipal blackmail we are going to see in the future.

posted on Nov 4, 2012 12:34 PM ()


I am truly hoping for a good outcome tomorrow. I know I voted today!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 6, 2012 10:12 AM ()
Cute Eddie.Yes,he is a saint
comment by fredo on Nov 5, 2012 8:13 AM ()
Many fire departments bill for services.
comment by hobbie on Nov 5, 2012 5:19 AM ()
Our fire departments here all bill for their ambulance services, and since the tax dollars dried up in the last few years, the fire dept here in Las Vegas decided to roll on every 911 call, even though private ambulance services also show up. The patient gets double-billed. It's a racket.
reply by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 8:50 AM ()
That's terrible! We had FEMA set up camp in my old town after a big storm like this. The storm blew off a third of the shingles from our roof, causing water damage inside. Because most of the shingles lost were on the inland side, and not from the side you'd expect, they wouldn't help. It was humiliating to be turned down, as if we were trying to defraud them or something. It taught me a very big lesson, that in a really big disaster, you're best bet is to not assume anyone else will be there to pull you up and dust you off.
comment by maggiemae on Nov 4, 2012 11:47 PM ()
Until we experience something like this first-hand, we have no idea what it will take to recover from it. I don't think we can rely on our property casualty insurance, either, because they are going to look for loopholes to get out of paying.
reply by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 8:48 AM ()
WOW some bill wonder if you knew before hand would you call the fire brigade
the local paper put a map of what we could expect with global warming and sea level rising my distance from the beach would be halved -- will have to wait and see
comment by kevinshere on Nov 4, 2012 9:53 PM ()
If the direct billing arrangement had continued, I think it would have been modified out of fear of people trying to handle fires on their own and endangering the property of others. It was a bold move on the part of the city to prove a point, and they got what they wanted.
reply by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 8:42 AM ()
Romney's belief that the private sector is the solution to all our ills is one of the most frightening things about him. Eddie, if you happen to read this, tell us how much money you're putting away to pay for having the private sector take care of what the gov't has handled with your taxes before...
comment by steve on Nov 4, 2012 5:42 PM ()
Medicare, good old been around a long time Medicare, is an example of where the private sector was not able to address the needs of folks who simply could not come up with the money for healthcare in their old age, and the govt stepped in. Despite GOP rumblings about privatizing it, I'm betting a lot of folks who are voting against Obama would be very upset if they didn't have their Medicare coverage.
reply by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 8:39 AM ()
You're missing the point. There are millions of people who can't afford that efficiency.
reply by steve on Nov 5, 2012 7:05 AM ()
I'm here. Would you not agree that the private sector can do MOST everything more efficiently than the government?
reply by eddie on Nov 4, 2012 6:52 PM ()
I wonder how the fire department had the authority to send out bills? It isn't a municipally-owned entity?
comment by drmaus on Nov 4, 2012 2:53 PM ()
It is a volunteer fire department that the city subsidized out of their general fund. It's still volunteer but now it has its own designated tax income.
reply by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 8:33 AM ()
This is very sad and could dampen the voters there.
Now they have to get temporary housing and hope the Femma does right on this and not to screwed up like Katrina
comment by fredo on Nov 4, 2012 2:19 PM ()
It's a tricky time to have this happen because folks are going to see the short-term problems and somehow think the federal government could have solved everything when obviously they can't.
reply by troutbend on Nov 5, 2012 8:35 AM ()
FEMA can't mess it up now. That horrible Bush is not in charge and we have St. Obama in office.
reply by eddie on Nov 4, 2012 6:54 PM ()

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