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This Oughta Be Good

Computing & Technology > Texting Refrigerators

Texting Refrigerators

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) brings 140,000 people to Las Vegas every year. It is a showcase for new trends in technology and product announcements.

I was reading about how Microsoft announced that the Windows 8 operating system is going to be 'application driven' meaning that when you start up your computer or tablet PC, it will look like a smartphone with the tile icons for your favorite applications. Drilling down, it's possible to get to your folders and stored document files.

This is the last year Microsoft is going to participate in the CES, in the sense of using it as a forum for making big product announcements. Apple Computer dropped out after last year, not so much to do with Steve Jobs dying, but rather that they want to make their announcements on their own schedule. Same reason given for Microsoft.

One of the notable items at this year's show was the extremely thin big screen TV set - the thickness of a stack of four credit cards. But the big buzz this year was about 'smart' appliances, meaning that your refrigerator could send you a text message that you need to buy milk, or the cheese is past its sell-by date. You would also be able to use the Internet to turn on your oven or your dishwasher.

I'm trying to figure out how much work you have to do on the front end to educate the refrigerator about its contents so it can track them. Maybe milk cartons are going to have one of those scrambly printed boxes on the side encrypted with the expiration date so you can scan everything in as you put away your groceries.

We already have a smart electric meter in our house, and could go on the Internet to turn the thermostat so the air conditioning would come on and cool down the house when we are coming back from vacation, and ten years ago it would have sounded far-fetched. It's also used to 'read' the meter remotely, which is why the power company put them in.

But I'm not going to go looking for a texting refrigerator any time soon.

posted on Jan 14, 2012 2:22 PM ()


I wish I could control my heat on the internet. I'm envious.
comment by drmaus on Jan 17, 2012 7:17 AM ()
It's hard to get into that website, sometimes I wonder if they don't really want us doing it, a form of bait and switch.
reply by troutbend on Mar 4, 2012 1:02 PM ()
Ironic that Apple dropped out of CES; they are just about the only company whose announcements could be relied upon for device/software release promises. Microsoft like many others just made overly optimistic vows, then dropped production of the item. I'm still disappointed with them about the Courier Tablet. If they'd made it, there might have been a "work" tablet and (Apple's) entertainment tablet.
comment by drmaus on Jan 17, 2012 7:17 AM ()
One of these years I'm going to figure out how to get into the CES - they require some kind of credential to prove a person is in 'the industry' but I think there was some home builder or developer from Colorado who was profiled in the paper and said he went to look for technology to build into his houses. Yeah. Right.
reply by troutbend on Mar 4, 2012 1:06 PM ()
My electric company reads from the office but haven't given us anything to
control the Fridge, not that I want to. It would be handy with the heat and
air but we can manage a little discomfort when it cranks up.
comment by elderjane on Jan 14, 2012 8:38 PM ()
I don't want one of those Internet-capable refrigerators because their function is to chill food, not mess around in cyberspace, much as the refrigerator would like the distraction; too bad if it feels unfulfilled.
reply by troutbend on Mar 4, 2012 1:09 PM ()
And when your fridge posts their blog about you we'll comment!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 14, 2012 7:07 PM ()
Think of the refrigerator becoming HAL from 2001 - sending messages out to the universe: they're mean to me, they don't clean me, they put smelly cheese in me and now what do I do.
reply by troutbend on Mar 4, 2012 1:11 PM ()
As a renter, no one is going to pay to install such things in my little abode.
comment by marta on Jan 14, 2012 4:30 PM ()
It's really one of those things we could all live without. I'm a little miffed at the electric company about it because I figured we were saving them money by making it easier for them to read our meter, but now they claim the more we save them, the more they have to raise our rates to cover their management salaries and overhead.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 4:42 PM ()
It's been a few years since they switched from monthly meter reading to bimonthly with the customer reporting the between month. This area is so rural that you'd think online metering would be a first priority. The meter reader still has to enter they yard (back in and park the PICKUP) but they point a device at the meter to get the reading electronically. At least the meter reader should be riding a bicycle in nice weather. I mean a freakin PICKUP TRUCK? Geez...
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 14, 2012 4:12 PM ()
Those guys love their trucks. Last spring in Colorado I saw one of the trucks in the yard of my rental house next door. They don't read our meters every month, and I don't know if they have drive-by or not, it was the first time I'd ever seen their truck on our place.

I suspect they estimate usage based on experience and then read it once in awhile and adjust (but never down).
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 4:47 PM ()
I am not ever going to be able to take advantage of all the new technology, have not even kept up with what is already out there. If I were a 30-something, I can see where I would find it very convenient to keep track of everything, but as someone who is retired, I don't need all those connections. There, I've said it. However, I would like a GPS.

comment by tealstar on Jan 14, 2012 4:10 PM ()
I know what you mean. At first I was thinking what a dumb idea, but I guess if I was a young working parent and had several children at home raiding the refrigerator, it might be nice to receive an alert from the refrigerator. The best thing is where we can pick and choose from all the technology and get that GPS or whatever without having to throw in with a bunch of other stuff we don't want.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 4:15 PM ()
I can just see myself at my knitting circle telling the ladies, "Excuse me but I have to take this call. It's my fridge."
comment by nittineedles on Jan 14, 2012 2:54 PM ()
I can picture it getting irritating - That Fridgidaire, it's so needy. What could it want now?
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 3:59 PM ()
How does one keep up with all of this.I am sure they will be more in the near future.
The last one there when on a holiday you can call home to turned on the heat or AC.
This I gather you have a smart electric meter this I am not aware of.
Tell me more about this.How do I get started with this.Not that I will be using as much just want to learn I guess.Thanks for the impost.Refrigerator?not sure.I have enough problems as it.
comment by fredo on Jan 14, 2012 2:33 PM ()
We can log into the smart meter via Internet to see and adjust the thermostat even when we are not here. The electric utility came around to install the meter and gave us fancy thermostats in exchange for us agreeing to let them turn our air conditioning warmer during peak load time of day. A lot of people resent giving up that control, but we don't care because we aren't here when it's that hot.

A lot of towns have remote meter reading now, where they drive down your street, don't have to go in your yard. This is one step beyond - they don't have to leave their office.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 3:57 PM ()

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