Remember that old fashion rule - white shoes and purses can only be worn between Memorial Day and Labor Day? I need to get some white shoes. Maybe in today's world, it's more applicable to sandals, so maybe I don't need new shoes. I have nail polish that is clear indoors, and turns pink in the sun. I like it, but need to get a more enduring color because if I start wearing sandals to flood meetings, I don't want people looking at my toes thinking I didn't get a pedicure.
I finally got all my garden planted and tomorrow will apply some fertilizer, or maybe this afternoon because it stopped raining and the sun came out. The bear was here a few weeks ago and bit a big hole in a bag of garden potash. I don't know how it tastes, but am not going to sample it to find out.
The Big Thompson River is high with spring runoff, and rose 3 feet over a couple of hours this morning. Lots of woody material - branches and trees - is floating downstream and will create problems below us where bridges washed out by the floods were replaced with culverts.
The other day:
This is just the start of spring runoff, and we are also having a lot of rainy weather. Last night a rare tornado (for this part of the state) destroyed some houses and damaged others, so that got everyones' attention.