There was a big pile and a little pile, and after he got done tossing all the big pile rocks in random directions, I yelled over at him to look for the little pile, but he couldn't find it. I had to go around to the other side of the river to make sure it was gone, and it was.

We found a rusty bit of flood debris peeking through all the extra sand left on the riverbank by the flood. He finally got it dug out, and it is a mystery part, looks to be an elaborate connection of pipe to large housing that might be a tank of some sort.

Then he went and stood on the alluvial fan formed by the side stream during the recent heavy rains. It's impressive to see how the force of the water distributed the good-sized rocks and sand both up- and down-stream.

We have a county here in Colorado that was going to secede from the state a couple years ago, but then the flood came along, same thing as this: