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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

First off, if we posted all day, we couldn't outnumber the spam posts on MyBloggers now. It was a matter of time before the male enhancement topic started showing up. There should have been a blog category for that.

If I was administering a blog, I would have different categories/channels than the ones we have to choose from. I realize it's a standard list that follows commercial and educational lines: look at all those separate categories for Education.

I always thought it was funny when Jeremy would pick random categories for his posts.

Here is what popped into my head this morning:

Caller ID

One of the technological advancements that has irrevocably changed book and movie plots is caller ID. Young people today will never understand that scenario where the bereft parents have to keep the kidnapper on the phone long enough for the FBI to trace the call. Anyone under 20 years old would not understand why it was such a problem unless the script somehow painted them a picture of how it used to be, and that might get tedious for just that little bit of suspense.

Speaking of writing a story, look at how air travel has changed. I can remember when people would buy cheap air tickets and peddle them in the classified ads, the only requirement being that the purchaser's gender match that of the person to whom the ticket was issued. I can remember when we didn't have to show an ID to get on an airplane. I can remember when there weren't even metal detectors much less all those x-rays and scanners, and the whole family went trooping out to the gate to wait for the plane to take off. Heck, I can remember when it was okay to get to the airport half an hour before departure.

Based on all this, I keep an eye on how today's authors deal with the problem of getting their protagonist around quickly and anonymously, not to mention obtaining a gun at the other end of the journey. Some of them set their story several decades in the past. Lee Child has Jack Reacher latch onto an active military person to get him onto military flights that don't have the security requirements. Many of them have some contact at their destination who provides the weapon no questions asked.

Home Decor

I've been sitting in a different chair in the living room lately, and from this different perspective, have decided it's time to do some rearranging. Some of the things on display need to be arranged right out of here, and maybe I'll arrange the books by height so there are gently slanting lines instead of ups and downs. They're not alphabetized now, so no big loss. I'll keep the reference books together, at least.


There's a couple of fishermen out in the river and I'll go say hello and then go put a rock on a piece of roofing that has blown loose on the shed over by the red cabin.


That's it on the right. I don't know what we're going to do about that roof if it's going to start blowing off. I wonder if Mr. Troutbend feels up to applying a metal roof. It should be pretty straightforward, but what do I know.

posted on Apr 12, 2013 9:19 AM ()


Interesting about the caller ID and airplanes. I remember people smoking on planes when I was really young, but that's about it. I am sure I didn't pay much attention to the rest.
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 16, 2013 8:40 AM ()
In reading responses, I understand why I don't see spam. I never go to the new articles page but rely on e mail notification to subscribed blogs. I expand my subscriptions when I see unfamiliar (to me) bloggers commenting and then I check them out. I took my first commercial air flight around 1953. I walked out to the plane on the tarmac and climbed the stairs. It was not a jet. It made a lot of noise. I understood how to use the inflight conveniences. Everyone dressed nicely, wore shoes, etc. Other passengers were mostly business travelers and interesting to talk to. It was a pleasure to travel. And, of course, not a crying baby in sight.

Love your red cabins -- they look terrific and festive.
comment by tealstar on Apr 14, 2013 7:16 AM ()
We have all kinds of spammers and when we go there and see mostly Asians but
a few Germans and Norwegians touting their products, I get disgusted.
comment by elderjane on Apr 13, 2013 6:57 AM ()
I love your cheerful red cabins. I see myself staying there, cheerfully, curiously wandering around with my camera discovering things.... What fun that would be one day!
comment by marta on Apr 12, 2013 7:11 PM ()
I always think of that cabin as an artist's retreat.
reply by troutbend on Apr 12, 2013 10:38 PM ()
I remember walking out onto the tarmac and boarding a prop plane commercial flight. Jeez...
comment by steve on Apr 12, 2013 4:11 PM ()
It's hard to imagine these days, isn't it?
reply by troutbend on Apr 12, 2013 10:39 PM ()
Maybe I have been lucky (and I shouldn't say anything!) but I haven't gotten any spam!!!
Our 'boss' hasn't been around since the election--I wish Eddie would at least tell us he is okay.
Yep--change a seat and next thing you know you are redoing the whole house, county, then State!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 12, 2013 4:08 PM ()
I'm not talking about getting spam as messages, take a look at the "MyBloggers's New Articles" page (and the More link) - 99% of it is junk.
reply by troutbend on Apr 12, 2013 11:10 PM ()
I love the picture of the red cabins with the CO woods and mountains in the background. The antlers on the smaller cabin are pretty cool!
comment by jaydensblog on Apr 12, 2013 12:43 PM ()
That's a pretty good picture of it because you can't see that it's close to the highway. Not right smack dab on the road, mind you, but next to it, and sort of down in a hole. I never quite know how to explain that to people who haven't been here before and are concerned about the noise. (It's not very noisy.)
reply by troutbend on Apr 12, 2013 11:12 PM ()

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