I wish it would rain. I'm sure I'm not alone, but I really, really wish it would rain. It clouds up most afternoons here now, but no rain comes out of it. There are fishermen here today: a guide with an older couple from California. The river is still high so they are mostly fishing from the bank, so I hope they are having good luck. I saw someone catch a fish in front of our house over the weekend, so I know it's possible.
We've had people in both guest cabins for about a week. The first ones left for Omaha today, and the others will leave tomorrow. We have people coming for three nights this weekend at one of the cabins.
Our trash bin is overflowing with trash bags. People really generate a lot of trash on vacation, especially when they have kids. We aren't as prolific, generating 1 33 gallon bag of trash a week. One thing that keeps our volume down is cooking from scratch, we don't have all that packaging that comes with prepared foods to dispose of. What packaging we do have is used for starting fires in the fireplace. It builds up over the summer so sometimes if we are expecting company we go ahead and burn it so the living room doesn't look so trashy to the casual observer.
I am still fighting the battle with poison ivy. It probably will never go away entirely, but I have that special Roundup for Poison Ivy which does kill it, except more keeps coming up. I am the general of this battle because I am the only one who doesn't seem susceptible to poison ivy. Mr. T-YouknowWho is very sensitive so he can't go near the area where it is. Fortunately it is the only patch we have.
Speaking of Mr. Troutbend, he sprained an ankle hiking around on rocks in flip-flops. It didn't swell up and is slowly getting better. He has an Ace bandage on it.
The realtor who sold our house in Denver three years ago was in the area and dropped by to see where we live. She couldn't resist taking inventory of our house: "I see you've got the six-panel doors and these beams in the ceiling are very nice." I was tempted to ask her what she would list it for.
Time to go make some beds.
Anyway, I enjoyed your post...am wondering if you eventually got any of the rain you are asking for in this post...and wondering how things are going now that vacation season may be drawing to an end for a lot of people. I intend to get caught up and read more of your posts so that I will be a little more up to date.