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This Oughta Be Good

Sports & Recreation > Football > Pro Bowl Highlights

Pro Bowl Highlights

The Pro Bowl was this past Sunday in Hawaii. The stands weren't very full, and I was thinking most of those there were the players' families.

The score was something lopsided, and the team in red won.

I always enjoy when the starting lineups are announced, with each player saying his name and where he went to school. Usually it's colleges, but sometimes they will name their high school, or even grade school.

In the course of this, I noticed one of players was named Richie Incognito. I googled him, and he's Richie Incognito, Junior and he played high school ball in Glendale, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix. It reminded me of the movie Goodfellas where Ray Liotta's character was negotiating his entry into the Witness Protection Program, and insisted that the family must be relocated to a warm climate.

I can picture a frazzled government employee trying to juggle all the relocation requirements, and running out of ideas for new last names coming up with Incognito. And the well is dry when it comes to picking names for the Incognito kids, so he just designates the son as a Junior.

Next thing I noticed was that one of the blue team players was over on the red team's side, snapping the ball. Replay the footage!


Jeff Saturday, the center for the Green Bay Packers played with the Indianapolis Colts for 13 years, before moving to the Packers, most of that hiking the ball to Peyton Manning. He's retiring this year, so the idea was to let him hike one last ball to his long-time teammate. Isn't that nice? I wondered if the stadium announcer explained all that to the fans, but they probably didn't care.

The only penalty of the game that I noticed was a pass interference or something. The referee prefaced his explanation with: "Yes there are penalties in the Pro Bowl."

As Mr. Troutbend pointed out, the Pro Bowl isn't really a football game, and it doesn't matter, but it's fun to watch the players having a good time and being teammates with rival players.

Don't forget this coming Sunday is the Super Bowl! I've always thought Super Bowl Monday should be a national holiday.

posted on Jan 29, 2013 12:34 PM ()


I have managed not to see a single pro or collegiate football game this season, and I'll be watching Downton Abbey on PBS on Super Bowl Sunday night. But I do hope the 49ers win.
comment by marta on Feb 2, 2013 1:13 PM ()
I'll keep you in mind and do something superstitious to help them win, probably this means drinking some Woodchuck hard cider at kickoff, and maybe open another bottle each time they score; every first down might be a little too much unless it's a strongly defensive game.
reply by troutbend on Feb 2, 2013 6:44 PM ()
The commercials are the best thing about the Super Bowl.
comment by boots586 on Jan 30, 2013 5:08 PM ()
They sure are. A lot of the ads are already available on the Internet, but I'm going to wait and see them during the game.
reply by troutbend on Feb 2, 2013 6:40 PM ()
Incognito takes the cake and Saturday is a close second.
comment by elderjane on Jan 30, 2013 10:21 AM ()
It certainly made the game more interesting for me. I enjoy the little color discussions, and when it doesn't matter who wins, there is a lot of it.
reply by troutbend on Jan 30, 2013 12:33 PM ()
Know all about super bowl we even get the results on NEWS ON SPORTS. there are always people celebrating our football grand final a bit too much , not fit for work on the following monday
comment by kevinshere on Jan 29, 2013 8:26 PM ()
My cousin in England is a fan of the New Orleans Saints, and watches the Super Bowl at his local pub, but they don't get our funny ads.
reply by troutbend on Feb 2, 2013 6:42 PM ()
I'll watch when they play The Toilet Bowl.
comment by tealstar on Jan 29, 2013 7:01 PM ()
Be careful what you wish for.

"Two specific college games that are often referred to as "Toilet Bowl" games are:

1983 Oregon vs. Oregon State: The 1983 contest between the two teams produced a scoreless tie. Played during a rainstorm, the game is commonly known as the "Toilet Bowl", due to the poor quality of play exhibited in the game.

1987 Kansas vs. Kansas State: On November 7, 1987 the Kansas Jayhawks traveled to Manhattan, Kansas to play the Kansas State Wildcats. The game was termed "The Toilet Bowl" by national commentators during the week leading up to it because it featured a KU team with a 1-7 record and 0-8 K-State."
reply by troutbend on Jan 30, 2013 12:42 PM ()
To me a bowl is something to eat soup/pasta/ice cream out of!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 29, 2013 3:27 PM ()
We still talk about a restaurant in Orlando we ate at in the early 1990s called The Big Dish. Huge dish of pasta. Platter of salad with just about a whole can of black olives around the edge.
reply by troutbend on Jan 30, 2013 12:34 PM ()
I'll bet there is a record amount of absenteeism on Super Bowl Monday as it is. I skipped the Pro Bowl b/c it typically is not at all competitive, the players wishing to avoid injury and there just for the good time. In fact, for that reason, they are considering doing away with it entirely. If they cancel it, Richie will REALLY be incognito...
comment by steve on Jan 29, 2013 1:53 PM ()
It doesn't prove anything, that's for sure. I'm always a little sad when football season ends because we don't watch basketball or golf.
reply by troutbend on Jan 29, 2013 2:43 PM ()

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