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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Pangrams


The other day I heard a question on a quiz show about pangrams and didn't know what that was. Well, I do now. In case you don't, either:

From: Crazy English by Richard Lederer

Shortest pangrams. Many typists know The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog as a thirty-three letter sentence that employs every letter in the alphabet at least once. Such sentences are called pangrams. Here is a sampling of the best pangrams of even fewer letters:

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. (32 letters)

Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. (31 letters)

How quickly daft jumping zebras vex. (30)

Mr. Jock, TV quiz Ph.D., bags few lynx. (26)

Here is another gem:

Capitonym. A word that changes pronunciation and meaning when it is capitalized. For example: It's time to polish the Polish tea set.

posted on Sept 8, 2010 4:11 PM ()


sounds like tounge twister site to me ---but then i'm not well read
comment by kevinhere on Sept 9, 2010 8:13 PM ()
You should talk about tongue-twisters after that dialect you recently posted.
reply by troutbend on Sept 10, 2010 3:22 PM ()
Yes, but the sentence is more effective if, in some way, it makes sense. A big sphinx of quarts, for instance, is ... what????
comment by tealstar on Sept 9, 2010 3:24 PM ()
It's a sphinx made out of quartz (with a z). But I understand what you're saying. I prefer the traditional dog and fox one.
reply by troutbend on Sept 9, 2010 3:58 PM ()
that's cool... didn't know what that was either...
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 8, 2010 6:42 PM ()
I think I saw it on Cash Cab, so remember it in case you are ever in the Cash Cab, more likely to happen to you than to me.
reply by troutbend on Sept 8, 2010 8:26 PM ()
Remarkable! You are a google substitute.
comment by solitaire on Sept 8, 2010 5:00 PM ()
Oh, I doubt that. I don't know what we'd do without Google around here. I've learned that when we have some plumbing emergency, or need to know about something like wood chippers, we save a lot of time by consulting Google first thing rather than doing what we think, only to find out later that we were wasting our time.
reply by kitchentales on Sept 8, 2010 5:08 PM ()
I love the vexing jumping zebras. Vex is a word you don't hear much but it is a good word.
comment by elderjane on Sept 8, 2010 4:43 PM ()
Yes vex is a nicer way to say 'you're getting on my last nerve.'
reply by kitchentales on Sept 8, 2010 5:09 PM ()

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