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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > The Legacy

The Legacy

I am applying for farm funding for forest thinning with the help of various government people who want my place to be a pilot project - I couldn't do this on my own because there is so much to getting set up.

To get started, I had to have a Duns and Bradstreet number. I was surprised to discover that I already had the DUNS number from 2012 - no idea how I got that.

Then, I applied for the SAM account, and they had to match the information I gave them with IRS records. It came back no match so I had to try a different number - my social security number instead of my business EIN, and that worked, fortunately.

And then I got the notice that I need the CAGE number, which is through the Defense Logistics Agency or something like that. When I logged into that with my DUNS number, they had already assigned a CAGE number to me, and when I got back to the SAM thing, they had filled it in so I wonder why they told me to go apply for it. I'm not sure how all that happened, but now they are happy and the government can give me money to pay for their program. All together I think it took about 6 hours, not all at one time.

It was all done online over about a week. I'd enter some information, the program would tell me there would be a delay while they checked my information, and an email would come telling me if I was successful or not, and what to do next. I was surprised that it worked without me having to call some help desk.

I also had to sign up my 'farm.' That was probably the best part because I got to talk to nice people. One of the tricky things about all this is to figure out when to use my name, and when to use my business name, and when to use my living trust name, and what tax ID do they want, and my taxes are paid from the Las Vegas Address, so if they are looking to match the address and the entity name and the tax ID number, there's a lot of possible combinations. And then how I sign my name - when to use my maiden name in it, and when not, based on things I've signed in the past.

Now I have three new login IDs, a PIN, and 3 new passwords to keep track of. And yes, Big Brother thoroughly has me on his radar now.

Back in maybe 1999 I had my palm read in New Orleans, and the guy told me I'd leave a legacy. The older I get, the more I wonder about each project that comes along: Is this forest project my legacy? Is all the work I've done on flood recovery my legacy? I don't know. Maybe it all is. Maybe it's the recipe cards in my kitchen that have food splashed on them. A legacy usually means money left in a will, but it can also be something less tangible, such as 'her artistic legacy lives in her children.' I think of it as meaning people might remember some of the things I accomplished for about a week after I die rather than forgetting about me an hour after the funeral.

posted on Jan 14, 2016 9:55 PM ()


I'm all for healthier forests. What were you in your other life? I'm not saying I haven't done complicated things, but when I read about what you do, it sounds like Sanskrit. When I was getting Jay on his ultimate health insurance, I was up till 4 a.m. (during the work week) every night, doing the paper work. Of course, I was younger then. I look back on things with awe.
comment by tealstar on Jan 20, 2016 6:29 PM ()
Someday I will look back on this and wonder how I ever managed to deal with all this stuff. Life brings these sort of situations, similar to your insurance project, where we feel we have no choice but to dive in and see it through.
reply by troutbend on Jan 21, 2016 1:36 PM ()
is the government actually giving you something free or are strings attached
comment by kevinshere on Jan 16, 2016 4:13 AM ()
The forest thinning pilot project is a cost share program and my share is 25%. Without the money that I'm going to apply for, it would cost me $5,000 or more cash and what I'm applying for is supposed to cover it. I'll believe it when I see it. It's good to hear from you, Kevin.
reply by troutbend on Jan 16, 2016 6:55 AM ()
I get a headache just thinking about the details!!
comment by elderjane on Jan 15, 2016 4:47 AM ()
I could say that it wasn't so bad while I was doing it, but it was.
reply by troutbend on Jan 15, 2016 7:31 PM ()
Okay lady are you sure you aren't a politician?? With all these numbers and names and addresses it sounds like you are scamming the government!
Just before I read this a woman at facebook sent me a story about a friend of mine when we were teenagers--I'll send it to you and you'll understand why it was so funny reading this!! I may have to send your name to the reporter so he can investigate what you are up to!!!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 14, 2016 11:53 PM ()
It's what all the farmers who want crop insurance or gov't subsidies for large crop irrigation systems have to go through, and knowing how much many of the older small farmers avoid government intervention in their lives, I wonder how many of them actually get it done. I had another farm a few years ago that my dad had signed up with the USDA, and things weren't as computerized then.
reply by troutbend on Jan 15, 2016 7:34 PM ()
So, I guessing your "farm" won't have any piggies or moo cows or cute little alpacas.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 14, 2016 11:47 PM ()
It's technically a ranch, and at one time I was reporting it as rangeland for wildlife grazing with no income, but the county threatened to raise the property taxes from 6% to 29% (same as buildable land for housing developments) so I was forced into a conservation easement. Because of that, I don't stand to profit from this upcoming project, the assistance I get will pay for the forestry program, and I'll benefit indirectly from having a healthier forest.
reply by troutbend on Jan 15, 2016 7:37 PM ()

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