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This Oughta Be Good

Entertainment > Movies > God's Away on Business

God's Away on Business

I received an email today that Instant View of Netflix movies is now available for the Macintosh computer. These movies were too much of a memory hog for my PC to handle, and one of the reasons I bought a Mac was to watch the movies but until today it couldn't be done.

I just watched the documentary: "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" about guess what: how the top of executives at Enron created a mythical company that had no real product and no real consumers but managed to pay themselves millions of dollars before going bankrupt and cheating their rank and file employees (and many of us stock holders) out of their life savings. Unfortunately the movie doesn't show enough about the little guys, except for one electric linesman at Portland Gas and Electric whose 401K went from $385,000 down to $1200. He was the poster child, I guess.

The sad thing is that somehow executives and investment bankers et al are still getting paid millions to take their companies into bankruptcy while we worry about how crappy little bank accounts and stock market investments.

At the end of the movie is this dirge by Tom Waits: "God's Away on Business." The lyrics are here for you too.

God's Away On Business
(Tom Waits/Kathleen Brennan 2000)
I'd sell your heart to the junkman baby
For a buck, for a buck
If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch
You're out of luck, you're out of luck

Ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking

There's a leak, there's a leak in the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves and lawyers

God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business
God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business

Digging up the dead with a shovel and a pick
It's a job, it's a job
Bloody moon rising with a plague and a flood
Join the mob, join the mob
It's all over, it's all over
It's all over

There's a leak, there's a leak in the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves and lawyers

God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business
God's away, God's away on business, business

Godddamn there's always such a big temptation
To be good, to be good
There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby
It's a deal, it's a deal

God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business
God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business

I narrow my eyes like a coin slot baby
Let her ring, let her ring

God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business
God's away, God's away
God's away on business, business

I'm going to watch something cheerful now. "The High Cost of Buying at Wal-Mart" doesn't quite sound like the thing.

posted on Dec 4, 2008 6:31 PM ()


So gloomy and the Enron execs seem to have set a trend. I wish that all the bad guys would have terrible plagues on their ill gotten gains.
comment by elderjane on Dec 8, 2008 3:12 AM ()
I like the "cheddar in the mousetrap" line.
comment by solitaire on Dec 5, 2008 11:48 AM ()
Those CEOs are such crooks! What a mess they've caused. I think the song says it all! So what is Netflix Instant View? Do you get to watch on your computer... for free, or is it a subscription? My guess is subscription.
comment by sunlight on Dec 5, 2008 10:39 AM ()
God is not away.He is here visiting me.To help to have faith.
comment by fredo on Dec 5, 2008 10:20 AM ()
I looked at Wal-Mart for Bisbee Bird's Christmas present. I always get him a wind-up water globe music box. They were real cheap and really cheap. I mean they didn't cost much but were shabbily made. All were stickered "Made in China." I bought one there two years ago. The mainspring broke in three months. Next week I'll look for one in Kohl's.

Enron shows the way deregulation in the electric power industry was a giant opening for the greedy bastards who make a living off executive theft. Our government set us up for it.
comment by jondude on Dec 4, 2008 6:42 PM ()

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