Here are the photos of my guests who left the morning of the flood. I was hoping they were able to get out of the area, but no.
Here is the email she sent me:
Hello Laura,
We were so happy to get your email today since we have been worried about you ever since we left the cabin, wondering how high the water got and if and when you got evacuated. We did end up driving south on 34 and got as far as Drake where the road was closed. It was pretty scary since there were many rock slides throughout the 5 mile drive. We were first going to stay at the Inn, but decided to go to higher ground as the Big Thompson flooded the parking lot and the North Fork was flooding the back side of the Inn. And eventually the Inn got 3-4 ft. of water in it. Bernie drove the car high up on hwy 43 (and that is where it still is!) We stayed with a couple in a camper that had also gone to higher ground for 3 days til we were evacuated out on Sat. afternoon by Blackhawk helicopter. What an we will never forget!! We ended up with enough food with everyone pitching in, but water was becoming scarce by Sat. Stayed with our son in Loveland for the week & flew back to FL this Sun. Who knows when hwy 34 will be open to get our car. The devastation is unbelievable and so many areas that were flooded.
That is so sad that the little red cabin had everything destroyed, but at least both cabin structures are ok. We so enjoyed our 3 nights at the Brown Cabin, never dreaming that we would be trapped in flood waters by the Big Thompson!
We are so glad that you are ok and hope to continue to correspond with you through out the rebuilding process. Thank you so much for your email.
Take care,
Becky & Bernie
Their experience was much more interesting than mine, but they got to go home to the Florida Keys, and will have a good story to tell for the rest of their lives.
Those animals you see being walked along the road are from the place where our goose friend Quackers went to live last year. No news on the fate of Quackers. The roads into that particular area are still closed.