You know how when something happens you get people offering to help? I finally took up on one of those offers and hit the jackpot. She said her daughter is away at college, her husband travels all the time, and her son is busy with his school work and xbox, just come make myself at home. Her family used to rent a home from my parents and I watched her grow up, but lost touch for decades. One of the best parts of staying there was that the cats adopted me.
This is a fat cat encased in extremely thick and matted fur. They call it Fat Cat.
This kitty was a little bit aloof, but so similar to the other gray cat, one time it was sitting next to me watching TV and I thought it was the friendlier one.
This cat was almost a pest - wants to right there getting chin rubs and petting. He slept on my bed, and kept me company the whole time I was there.
They also have these very well-fed mallards out in the yard. They reminded me of Quackers, and I wish I'd given Quackers to these people, although I don't know if they'd have been grateful for the ensuing chaos.
There was a little dog, too.