I hate to keep track of the darned things and sometimes Ted wants to get on my facebook page and changes the pass word. The ills of a shared computer!! I don't like face book at all and seldom go there unless I want to look at pictures of great grandson, Owen.
I think the two ladies are actually talking about sex...
My passwords are running amok.
hey now there's an idear.
reguards yer computer illiterate pal bugg
Love it!
Now that you've told everyone my password, I'll have to change it.
I keep my passwords in a Word file. I can't imagine why anyone would want to hack into my library account.
That's a good one--I now have 5 sheets with passwords!!
on my facebook page and changes the pass word. The ills of a shared
computer!! I don't like face book at all and seldom go there unless I
want to look at pictures of great grandson, Owen.