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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Chainsaw


Another good-sized tree has been felled by Bucky Beaver. This time it was leaning on the electric wires so there was a sense of urgency about dealing with it. I figured out how to start the chainsaw and cut through the tree trunk so the top part slid right off the wires. Then I cut all the limbs off and cut the trunk into fireplace size pieces. I'll load it in the truck tomorrow and haul it to the woodpile to dry out.

There was another tree nearby, so I wrapped chicken wire around the trunk. We have to use 4 foot tall chicken wire because Bucky is able to reach above the top of 24 inch wire and chew off a tree trunk.

It's always something.

posted on Sept 6, 2010 3:08 PM ()


What a cute beaver.. Glad you had success in cutting those trees down -- must have been a huge ordeal.
comment by justme on Sept 7, 2010 11:29 AM ()
I was lucky it wasn't a very big tree. I'm on my own for a couple of months, so had to figure it out on my own.
reply by troutbend on Sept 7, 2010 8:36 PM ()
We had a time with beavers cutting down pecan trees at the farm. You are amazing, Laura. I am afraid of a chain saw.
comment by elderjane on Sept 7, 2010 5:41 AM ()
Yes, it's a little bit daunting to have to resort to the chain saw, but not as bad as I'd feared. I was worried that my plan wouldn't work and the phone line would come down while I was sawing on the tree, but it came right down.
reply by troutbend on Sept 7, 2010 8:30 PM ()
You're awesome. I'd be afraid to even go near a chainsaw. I even worry when Ed uses one. Bucky is a challenge, ain't he.
comment by tealstar on Sept 6, 2010 7:24 PM ()
The whole time I was hacking away at those branches I was thinking about my foot on the ground in a sandal. I'm starting to get a little peeved with Bucky, but I guess it's our own fault if we don't get out there and protect the trees we want to keep.
reply by troutbend on Sept 7, 2010 8:25 PM ()
Bucky's no dummy. He sleeps during the day and works at night when you are not around.
comment by redimpala on Sept 6, 2010 7:11 PM ()
For awhile they were coming out around dusk so we saw a lot of them, but not lately. I'd love to see them in action on some of these remote spots they are getting into.
reply by troutbend on Sept 7, 2010 8:24 PM ()
That Bucky is so cute...
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 6, 2010 6:49 PM ()
He really is. We think there is a baby Bucky, but only saw him one time.
reply by troutbend on Sept 7, 2010 8:22 PM ()
Is that a white birch? I have tried to grow white birch both up north and here , with no success.
comment by larryb on Sept 6, 2010 6:01 PM ()
It's an aspen. I think they are a relative of the birch tree.
reply by troutbend on Sept 7, 2010 8:21 PM ()
I think Bucky's gonna be a bit miffed with you for stealing his tree.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 6, 2010 4:35 PM ()
I left most of the tree there to see if he comes back and hauls off the branches. He hasn't been around during daylight hours so we haven't seen him and his family for quite awhile; they have been getting their work done in the middle of the night.
reply by troutbend on Sept 6, 2010 4:42 PM ()

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