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This Oughta Be Good

Parenting & Family > Pets > Bears


Last night I had a meeting in town and someone asked me if I thought the bears have all gone into their torpor stage (not exactly hibernation) for the winter because she was thinking of unloading her groceries in the morning when it was light out. We decided it's not a sure thing, so better safe than sorry because bears can smell food for miles, and will wreck the inside of a vehicle.

When I got to my house after that, it was dark, and lo and behold, a bear (my bear/the bear) was on the middle part of my driveway, just standing there. I had the bright headlights on it, but that didn't faze it, so I sat and watched. After standing there looking around, he/she sat down for a little bit, and then astonishingly laid down in the road. I slowly drove forward and it got up and lumbered off the road.

It's rare to get a good look at a bear (from the safety of the car) because they usually take off when they see people. This one had a white patch on its chest, and standing on four feet it was as tall as my wheeled trash bin.

Something they do during the winter is wake up a little bit and leave their den to walk around, but they aren't very active. I think this explains why it acted so dazed and groggy. Now I wonder where the den is.

Yes, should have had the camera with me.

posted on Oct 26, 2016 5:58 AM ()


after watching "The Revenant" I'm a little leary of bears. You can call him "Yogi"...just lock up all the pic-a-nic baskets

yer "hey Boo Boo" pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 1, 2016 3:36 AM ()
I was thinking about Yogi and Boo Boo the other day because this bear is so relentless.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2016 4:58 AM ()
Be careful, very careful!!
comment by elderjane on Oct 26, 2016 5:51 PM ()
Suggested name for bear: Turbo. Hope he doesn't come back.
comment by drmaus on Oct 26, 2016 12:35 PM ()
He did, and it was bad.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2016 5:01 AM ()
We have a BIG BEAR problem in North Florida--the State had to come up with garbage bins that bears couldn't open and get into--they 'test' them! (The bins and bears!)
comment by greatmartin on Oct 26, 2016 8:15 AM ()
Estes Park finally enacted a town ordinance requiring bear-proof trash containers for the downtown area - they couldn't make the residents have them unless the town did something.
reply by troutbend on Nov 1, 2016 5:00 AM ()
That is scary. Do you have a name for the bear? Pick something neutral because you don't know the gender.
comment by tealstar on Oct 26, 2016 7:00 AM ()
If I'd put the trash bin up on the highway in the morning, last night I might have been walking it back down to where the bear was before I realized I had company. THAT really would have been scary.
reply by troutbend on Oct 26, 2016 7:16 AM ()

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