Aaron Coutu


Aaron Coutu
Pascoag, RI
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Stories From My Real Life

Life & Events > So Tired

So Tired

As I mentioned in my last (first) post, things have been really busy in the Coutu-Daignault household. It has been interesting getting to play Nurse AJ with Ray and Jolie. The big cahllenge has been balancing the extra household duties, taking care of their treatments on top of working at the library (including my annual summer reading program) and teaching a summer course for the first time.

To be honest, it has been a bit overwhelming. I feel exhausted pretty much all of the time. Adding Jolie to the mix really was the icing on the cake in that area. I have even had to stop my bike rides and cut down on my reading because I just don't have the time in the morning before I have to get ready for work. I come home, and I have to take care of dinner, cleanup, and then everyone's nightly routine. I am lucky to have an hour or two just to relax with the computer or some TV time.

I am sure that it hasn't helped that I have been sleeping on the floor with Jolie for a week and a half since her surgery. It is meant to help her with not being able to be on the bed so she doesn hurt herself while jumping off. The result, though, has not been great on my back, and I don't think I have been sleeping all that great while I am down because it is not all that comfortable, even with the help of some nice thick comforters for padding. Hopefully, this part will be ending pretty soon.

I think a part of the problem is that it seems like every time things start looking up, the next problem comes along so we continue to slide further and further into difficult times. I probably shouldn't complain because there are so many people in much worse situations: no home, no food, no job, no health. We are just facing mere tastes of some of those problems.

I just keep hoping that the new job and our new union is the start of things turning around. I really need that right now.

posted on July 29, 2011 7:43 PM ()


just a hug for now AJ, hope ur feeling a bit better already xxx
comment by itsjustme on Sept 26, 2011 7:28 AM ()
reply by lunarhunk on Sept 26, 2011 7:30 AM ()
"...MANAGING THE COMPUTERS' Now I know who to call!!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 30, 2011 6:11 PM ()
reply by trekbrarian on July 31, 2011 4:59 AM ()
After reading this and believe me do understand what your going through.
Thank goodness for Mike,without him could not function.But our headache are not bad as yours.Soon this will calm down.Yes,you need some time for yourself.Ray will be bouncing back and Jolie also.The start of your new job is a sign for things to come.You will be fine.If you need help.Give us a holler.Love you guys.
comment by fredo on July 30, 2011 9:51 AM ()
Thanks so much for the support!
reply by trekbrarian on July 30, 2011 11:15 AM ()
Seems we are sharing difficulties, but yours... my heart goes out to you and Ray.You MUST take care of yourself. You must find time for yourself. That is not an option- it is a requirement when one is a caretaker.
comment by dragonflyby on July 30, 2011 9:13 AM ()
I know. I am hoping things will get easier as they start settling down. Jolie goes in to have her stitches out in less than a week so that should really help.
reply by trekbrarian on July 30, 2011 11:15 AM ()
When do/did the new job start???
How are the 2 patients doing?
IF you had listened to me 5 years ago when I told you the worst time for a man is in his mid 30s to 40s this wouldn't have come as a surprise but hang in there it does get better!!!
How will/does you new job differ from your old one?

Ah remember just a few years ago when you could do everything and go out all night?? Well now you are getting older and things aren't that easy

Don't rush Ray's rehabilitation--he may start looking for a younger one!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 29, 2011 8:38 PM ()
My first day at the new job will be Monday, August 22.
Both Ray and Jolie are doing much better. It is mostly just weariness that is bothering me rather than whether they are doing well.
You are so right about the 30s!
With the new job, I will be shifting from managing library services and materials specifically for teens to managing the computers and network at the new library. I will also be coordinating staff scheduling and other administrative-type things.
reply by trekbrarian on July 30, 2011 8:43 AM ()

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