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It's Where?

Life & Events > Wildfires


What does it look like after the fire passes through? I'm as curious as you are.

Fire resistant materials on power poles saved them from the fire. (Pictures are from the power company.)

The online communication for the two big fires near us has been excellent. Each fire has its own Facebook page, with daily video updates, nightly live Q&A sessions, and story maps that show the fire perimeters, evacuation areas, and other information. The maps have measuring tools so we can enter our address, then click on an edge of the fire to learn the distance.

The Wyoming fire, 69,000 acres. The red dots are hot spots where the fire is most active. Fire or not, the wind always blows in Wyoming, fanning the flames.

"Our" fire - 120,000 acres. We have been getting some wind there, but not as much as Wyoming. The northern side of it is threatening a community quite a bit like mine - cabins and homes and a couple small towns.

The edge of the fire is 14.6 miles from my house, and it's moving away from us. But we are not complacent, have been doing a lot of work around the yard to try to remove vegetation that might burn. And bags are packed.

Fire Retardant drop. We have tankers flying over all day, some with retardant, some with water, headed for the fires.

The weather forecast for the next couple of weeks is 'warm and dry' and there is a slight chance of moisture mid-October, but these fires are not expected to be calmed down until late October or later.

Water scoopers pick up water from nearby reservoirs.

posted on Sept 28, 2020 6:44 PM ()


I still don't see how the power lines survive above the pole-wrapping. I hope Honey Bugg stays ok there.
comment by drmaus on Sept 29, 2020 12:21 PM ()
The power lines are in easements where a lot of vegetation (ladder fuels) was previously removed, so ideally the fire would burn along the ground and not get up higher than those wraps. All of us landowners who own forest land are supposed to be out there cutting down any trees smaller than 10 inches in diameter to remove ladder fuels - easier said than done.

The city of Laramie is between Gloria and the fire, and both Laramie and Cheyenne (where she is) are out in the flat plains where containment would be a lot easier than the steep mountainous area where it is now. Today, the fire is moving into an area where there was a previous fire. Sometimes that slows things down because of less available fuel in the form of standing trees.
reply by traveltales on Sept 29, 2020 1:40 PM ()
Here's what our dear friend Honey Bugg, now living in Cheyenne WY wrote me about it:
"On Saturday here in Cow Snot the sky had a red tint and ash was in the air from the fires near here. The building smelled like an ash tray and it looked like frost on the outdoor plants due to the falling ash. I wondered if Yellowstone had exploded but then I thought nah...if it had I wouldn't be here to wonder if Yellowstone had exploded. This is one horrible year, lemme tell ya and I for one will be glad to see the back of it.

yer wheezing pal
comment by traveltales on Sept 29, 2020 7:37 AM ()
It is hard dirty and dangerous. fire fighters are heroes.
comment by elderjane on Sept 29, 2020 1:46 AM ()
One of the big advantages of the online updates is we get to see some of the squad representatives in person, and get to know them a little bit. Everyone around here has a crush on a guy named Cory Carlson, the public info officer for Team Southwest. That group is rotating back home for a short rest, and we'll have new ones to bond with.
reply by traveltales on Sept 29, 2020 7:44 AM ()
I wouldn't be a firefighter for anything or any amount of money---and I love the heat!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 28, 2020 7:10 PM ()
They are away from home and family for two- to three-week rotations, sleeping in tents near the fires, and eating catered food. When the weather turned cold, locals were especially concerned about them, offered homes and other lodging, but we were told 'they are well taken care of, please donate to the Red Cross, Wildland Firefighters Fund, or your local volunteer fire departments.'
reply by traveltales on Sept 29, 2020 7:41 AM ()

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