Click the Add an Image icon.

A new window will open up.
This is the photo uploader window. Use the Multi tab if you have more than one picture to post, but there is something very important you have to remember when you pick that option. I'll tell you what it is later.

Click on the Browse button, and locate the picture you want to upload on your computer. Click Open.

Click the Upload button. Depending on the speed of your Internet connection and so on, it may take a few seconds to load.

Your picture will appear, and there are three code options below it.

You want the first one: HTML.
Left-mouse click on that string of code. It will turn blue indicating it is highlighted.

Right-mouse click that blue text and the menu will pop up with Copy in it. Use your mouse to double-click on Copy (or skip this popup menu step and do Ctrl-c on your keyboard to copy the highlighted text).

At the bottom of your screen (or maybe the side) where you have the Toolbar, you will see the Firefox icon with an echo around the edge. This means there are two Firefox windows open a the same time.

Hover your cursor over that Firefox icon, and you'll see both windows: the post you are working on, and the photo uploader.

Click on the one that is the post you are working on to bring up that window. Note that this window is probably wider than the photo upload window, and you can just click on the part sticking out to activate that window. This doesn't work to get back to the Photo Upload window because it is smaller, and hidden behind your usual active window.

Right-mouse click to bring up the menu with Paste in it. Move your cursor to Paste and left-mouse click on that word. (You can also use Ctrl-v on your keyboard to Paste the code into your post.)

You will not be able to see the picture until you submit your post, all you'll see is the code.
1. When you are done, go back to the Photo Uploader window and close it. If it is open behind your active window, next time you "Click to Add Image" you will think it is not working because that window won't pop up in front of your active window.
2. This is what I referred to above that I will tell you later: If you are uploading Multiple photos, DO NOT CLICK on "Click to Add an Image" again - you will lose your uploads. Always navigate back to the upload window by doing what I told you about hovering the mouse to see both open windows and select the one with the Uploader in it.