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Life & Events > Nice Weather

Nice Weather

I've heard that some parts of the country have had very hot/humid weather this summer. We were fortunate to come out of a cooler/wetter spring/early summer into slightly warmer summer, but not hot summer.

My current tenant in the nice rental house does yard projects and hauls stuff to the dump. Someone had him dismantle an antique wagon, and he brought the wheels home. It's not something I'd seek out, because for one I wouldn't know how to get them here, but they lend a nice rustic air to the driveway as you enter the property.

Because of the wetter weather, the wildflower seeds in a planter and scattered around the bare spots did well this year. I've promised myself to do it again next year, even if I have to water them every day.

We have yet to have a killing frost, and our days, even this late in September, are summer-like. So far this year we haven't had wildfires - thanks to that wetter weather.

We are down to one baby fox that comes in the night, and I don't think it's been here lately. There will always be foxes around, and we certainly enjoyed watching that big family of them this summer.

posted on Sept 22, 2023 4:06 PM ()


Weather here in NY was screwed up. The garden did poorly but the weeds flourished. The is no longer a way to know what to expect. The calendar is certainly useless. Maybe I'll get around to my own post today. I bought a portable ac in the spring that has heat mode, but it's more trouble than it's worth for heat.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 28, 2023 8:08 AM ()
I want a baby fox---better than the alligators we see here!!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 22, 2023 5:55 PM ()

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