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Travel > Mgm Grand Lion Exhibit Closing

Mgm Grand Lion Exhibit Closing

At the end of this month the MGM Grand is closing their lion exhibit to make room for a revenue-generating feature such as a restaurant or more slot machines.

The man who owns the lions, Keith Evans, plans to turn his lion ranch into a paid attraction. We are sorry to see the habitat closure because it was one of good free things to do on the Strip. Now we have no reason to go the MGM because it becomes just another casino. Before the lions, there was a huge Wizard of Oz display that took up a lot of room, with animatronic characters that woke up for hourly shows. I think they charged to walk through it, but you could see some of it from the fringes.

posted on Jan 6, 2012 3:33 PM ()


I am glad the lions have a safe place to go. I was kind of on the fence about that exhibit anyways... I don't really like animals being in captivity and I would never pay to go to a zoo because I Don't want to support them, but I must admit that it was pretty cool to see the lions. I liked the Kong type toys they had.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 8, 2012 9:56 AM ()
Las Vegas has a 'zoo' that is very small potatoes, more like one of those things by the side of the road "See the World's Largest Gopher" where the poor animals are in cages, not habitats. Very sad. At least Busch Gardens and Disneyworld's Animal Kingdom make an effort, but I agree with you, it's not like being free.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 5:25 PM ()
I worry about the lions. I hope they have a good life.
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 6:03 AM ()
I know! This is a real blow to that ranch to lose this lucrative contract.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 5:28 PM ()
Oh, I just remembered the lion(s) that were often outside at the MGM, about 30 years ago. When one of them mauled someone.
comment by drmaus on Jan 6, 2012 5:25 PM ()
In that enclosure they are in now (that's going away) they can see the people, but not hear through the thick glass.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2012 5:15 PM ()
It's been a number of years since I was there, but I remember the hallway of masks of the movie stars, unless that was the old pre-fire MGM I'm remembering. And these lions inside I saw more recently. Yes, it will lose all distinctiveness without them.
comment by drmaus on Jan 6, 2012 5:24 PM ()
It seems like the floor plan has been changed so much over the years. I can just about remember that hallway, and now I don't know where it was. Now that they are getting rid of the kid-magnet lion exhibit, I wonder how long they'll keep the Rain Forest Cafe.
reply by troutbend on Jan 6, 2012 5:35 PM ()
I read about it earlier today--I'm glad!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 6, 2012 3:52 PM ()
That ranch is going to have to do a lot of advertising to get people who've never seen the lions to go out there. I hope they prosper.
reply by troutbend on Jan 6, 2012 4:09 PM ()

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