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Travel > Hire a Wino to Decorate the House

Hire a Wino to Decorate the House

There was a time in my life when these words really resonated with me. The whole ten years we lived in that house on the south side of Denver, we needed new carpet but couldn't agree on a pattern.

I asked him what he'd like and he said "Multi-colored."

"Like a tweed?" I asked.

"No, like a casino."

MGM Grand, main casino:

I kind of like this one, it looks like foil art. Fiesta Casino (on Rancho):

So we never got the new carpet, and I truly felt like this song expressed my feelings.

I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate the House - David Frizzel

"I came crawling home last night, like many nights before:
I finally made it to my feet as she opened up the door.
And she said, "You're not gonna do this anymore."

She said: "I'm gonna' hire a wino to decorate our home,
"So you'll feel more at ease here, and you won't have to roam.
"We'll take out the dining room table, and put a bar along that wall.
"And a neon sign, to point the way, to our bathroom down the hall."

She said: "Just bring your Friday paycheck, and I'll cash them all right here.
"And I'll keep on tap - for all your friends, their favorite kinds of beer.
"And for you, I'll always keep in stock, those soft aluminum cans.
"And when you're feeling macho, you can crush them like a man."

She said: "We'll rip out all the carpet, and put sawdust on the floor.
"Serve hard boiled eggs and pretzels, and I won't cook no more.
"There'll be Monday night football, on T.V. above the bar.
"And a pay phone in the hallway, when your friends can't find their car."

She said: "You'll get friendly service, and for added atmosphere.
"I'll slip on something sexy, and I'll cut it clear to here.
"Then you can slap my bottom, every time you tell a joke.
"Just as long as you keep tipping, well, I'll laugh until you're broke."

She said: "Instead of family quarrels, we'll have a bar-room brawl,
"When the Ham's bear say's its closing time, you won't have far to crawl.
"And when you run out of money, you'll have me to thank.
"You can sleep it off next morning, when I'm putting it in the bank."

She said: "I'm gonna' hire a wino to decorate our home,
"So you'll feel more at ease here, and you won't have to roam.
"We'll take out the dining room table, and put a bar along that wall.
"And a neon sign, to point the way, to our bathroom down the hall."

posted on Apr 24, 2012 7:33 PM ()


comment by nittineedles on Apr 25, 2012 1:19 PM ()
I'm a little bit sorry we didn't get some of that casino carpet.
reply by traveltales on Apr 27, 2012 11:58 AM ()
comment by jondude on Apr 25, 2012 5:59 AM ()
Kinda wish we'd done it.
reply by troutbend on Apr 25, 2012 11:53 AM ()
This is a really funny song but then country music is all about life and the
various ways it is lived.
comment by elderjane on Apr 25, 2012 4:05 AM ()
I even had a neon beer sign at the time.
reply by troutbend on Apr 25, 2012 11:53 AM ()
I have never liked carpets/rugs etc/,--I like smooth, shiny wood floors.
comment by greatmartin on Apr 24, 2012 7:42 PM ()
Even some of the Las Vegas hotel rooms have replaced their carpets with hard surface floors, so you'd feel right at home there.
reply by troutbend on Apr 25, 2012 11:52 AM ()

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