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Home & Garden > April on the River

April on the River

March and April are our snowiest months, and this year is proving the truth of it. 11 inches of snow fell Friday.

Because our growing season is so short, I have a lot of seeds started indoors. This is pine trees. Not that I needed pine trees, but found some seeds on top of the snow a couple months ago, so planted them to see what happens.

Today I'm going to give them some plant food. Meanwhile, my other seedlings are coming up, arrayed on the dining room table to catch some sunlight, and I look forward to summer flowers.

posted on Apr 18, 2020 7:30 AM ()


My black thumbs prevent me from even trying to plant anything. Hubby insists that I, at least, water the flowers on the back porch. So far so good. Everything is still alive.
Where are you going to plant the pine trees?
comment by janett on July 8, 2020 7:32 PM ()
I planted them over by the guest cabin where they get a lot of sun. There are some other seeds in that pot with them, and those have already died in our low-humidity conditions, but the pine trees seem to be hanging on. We have tons of volunteer trees - pines, fir trees, spruces - but don't usually notice them until they are bigger, so it's fun to watch these tiny ones. However, I don't think they will survive.
reply by traveltales on July 8, 2020 9:47 PM ()
You live in such a wonder-land! Love the seedlings. Sending good thoughts to your planting endeavors. I know you have to time everything between cold spells!
comment by jerms on Apr 19, 2020 9:24 PM ()
The first year of my garden when I wasn't trying very hard was the most successful. rather than be disappointed, I've finally settled on the few things that do relatively well.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2020 9:32 PM ()
I like the little pine trees. And I'm trying not to be envious of that deep blue sky in the first picture.
comment by drmaus on Apr 19, 2020 11:27 AM ()
Yes, that sky is really something - the contrast with the white snow, I guess. Best thing about living here is gloomy weather seldom lasts very long. We didn't used to have snow plowing or road salt - just waited for the sun to melt off the ice and snow. And then out of state people moved to Colorado and told us that was unacceptable.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2020 9:34 PM ()
I have two new aloe plants and a lot of weeds to pull. The wind is blowing so hard today...maybe a portent of tornados.
comment by elderjane on Apr 19, 2020 6:12 AM ()
Our vegetation is still in winter mode - the weeds haven't shown up yet. It's hard to imagine that flowers are blooming in other parts of the country.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2020 9:36 PM ()
Well, let's see who's seeds bloom first!! (Did you see my post on seeds a couple of days ago??) The winner gets me a carrot cake!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 18, 2020 6:15 PM ()
Yours will bloom first.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2020 9:36 PM ()

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