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Life & Events > Triple Digit Dates

Triple Digit Dates

Just a quick note on this:

I heard on NPR that today, 10/10/2010, there are people all over the world rushing to get married, as this triple digit date, 10/10/10 is considered auspicious and good luck.
The next triple digit date will occur 11/11/2011, and the one after that 12/12/2012. After that, it will be like thousands of years before there's a triple digit matching date again.


posted on Oct 10, 2010 10:51 AM ()


The Maya civilization is intriguing. Who knows?
comment by elderjane on Oct 11, 2010 7:40 AM ()
Maybe that "end of the world in 2012 scare" is more like the big ballyhoo about Y2K, when everybody thought planes would fall from the sky etc. when computer systems failed worldwide--and nothing happened.
reply by susil on Oct 11, 2010 8:36 AM ()
You have rung a bell in my head . . . I can remember watching a documentary about the ancient Mayan (spelling??) calender. It was found to 'stop' at around that date (12/12/2012), therefore (apparently) signifying, 'the end of time'. I don't believe in that prediction (or should I say 'I don't want', to believe in it )
comment by febreze on Oct 10, 2010 4:30 PM ()
Hi breze; Yep, something about that 12/12/2012 date reminds me of the Mayan calendar "end of the world thing." Comedian Bill Maher says he thinks the rock inscriptionist just ran out of room to carve more!
Now when that 11/11/2011 date comes around, I might make a trip to the casino, 11 being my lucky number and all. I sure won't be rushing to get married that day, Haha.
reply by susil on Oct 11, 2010 8:31 AM ()
I almost wish I could be cryogenically preserved so I could thaw out thousands of years from now to see if people are still rushing to get married on a triple digit day. The way things are going on earth here, I'd probably wake up and find I'm the only living creature in a vast, empty, arid landscape.
comment by troutbend on Oct 10, 2010 3:53 PM ()
Vast, empty, arid--that's the way it's going all right...
reply by susil on Oct 11, 2010 8:26 AM ()
Jay's b'day, 10/10/1910.
comment by tealstar on Oct 10, 2010 2:00 PM ()
reply by susil on Oct 11, 2010 8:25 AM ()

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