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Life & Events > Tiger Woods Worries Me

Tiger Woods Worries Me

There were a couple of photos of Tiger Woods in the paper after he lost big time in the last tournament he played in. He looked sick and bloated and unlike himself. I felt a pang of unease. He looks like somebody who needs help. He looks like someone at the end of his rope. He looks suicidal.

Mike Lopresti, a sports writer for the Hattiesburg American wrote:
"The post-apocalyptic Tiger Woods has seen his golf game turn to dust. And did you see what he was wearing? Not the goatee or red shirt, but the air of resignation, despair, defeat. His downfall continues to feel so epic...a personal life in shambles has led to a career blackout.
You out there in the anti-Woods constituency, the ones who scowled at his many transgressions and ensuing PR disasters, and said he deserved anything he would get: Is this what you had in mind? A bogey binge from a beaten and baffled man?"

I hope Woods has some real friends and family he can turn to--this is a lost and defeated man and needs help. I hope he finds it.


posted on Aug 14, 2010 2:54 PM ()


From the start I said his personal life had nothing to do with his game. We don't have to admire his private choices. I don't think anyone should be hounded to death because he is a womanizer. If he lost support and sponsors because of his weaknesses, that is stupid. It is the evangelical approach to everything and I despise it. And, of course, remember that Biblical saying, "He who is without sin ..."
comment by tealstar on Aug 14, 2010 6:32 PM ()
teal; To see someone crash as hard as Tiger did shows he has a conscience, unlike Lance Armstrong who has a Teflon coating and would never take responsibility for any wrongdoing.
reply by susil on Aug 15, 2010 9:44 AM ()
There is a lot of problems there.Right now he is not doing too well in the PGA tournament.I blamed most of this on his family.Yes I do.His father pushed him as a very young man in golfing.As much as he liked his day and he was a pushy one.Most of this reflect on this person.He need help and hope that he gets it.He made a mistake but we all do.Though we are not famous as he .I still believed that it was his upbringing as a child.
I do hope he gets out of this soon.He is a good man and a golfer.
Let us be supported.
comment by fredo on Aug 14, 2010 4:06 PM ()
fredo, that is what I was thinking when I saw Wood's photos in the paper, that from a young child his father pushed and controlled his life and Tiger never had a chance to grow up normally and after his father died he cut loose. I wish him the best.
reply by susil on Aug 15, 2010 9:35 AM ()
I saw a press conference after one of Tiger's recent losses and the reporter said something like "now that you are the worst golfer in the world" and Tiger responded: "I may be the worst golfer in the world, but I can still beat you at golf." Good answer.
comment by troutbend on Aug 14, 2010 3:59 PM ()
Ha! That was a good one!
reply by susil on Aug 15, 2010 9:35 AM ()
Life is always finding ways to humble us. He is a fighter, he won't quit.
comment by elderjane on Aug 14, 2010 3:44 PM ()
Hi jeri; I hope he bounces back..
reply by susil on Aug 15, 2010 9:37 AM ()

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