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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

I once read in National Geographic there is no place on Earth anymore where you can find complete silence. Even in the remotest desert, the sounds of jets overhead can be heard, and human encroachment into the land, air and water make silence difficult if not impossible to find anywhere.

Well, we've had days of lovely weather, but one day last week, the temperature started to fall and that night it got down into the twenties. I was up at midnight and went out on the carport to make sure the car was locked before going to bed.
Normally, when I go outside at night, the neighbor's dog barks a few times when it hears my back door slam. That night, though, not a peep. There wasn't a sound anywhere. Not the slightest waft of air, so the wind chimes hung sllent. Not a leaf moved in the woods around me.

The overhead lightbulb on the carport was on, and usually, it only takes a few moments before moths appear to bang against the bulb. Not that night though.

No late night cars on the road past the house, no owls in the woods, just the most utter complete silence, stillness, and profound deep quiet.
It's as if all living things has scrunched down, hunkered in for the night of extremely cold weather. I could hear the blood coursing through my ears. Utter silence is spooky! Who was it, Paul Simon? who sang The Sound Of Silence? It was eerie not to hear a single thing. I can say I have experienced complete silence if never again, then that one time in my life!

I went in and turned the TV on to hear the sound of human voices before I went to bed.


posted on Jan 8, 2012 6:11 PM ()


It's moments like that when I'm glad to be alive for the experience.
comment by troutbend on Jan 10, 2012 11:03 AM ()
reply by susil on Jan 18, 2012 5:15 PM ()
Our house is very quiet and I welcome it because when Ted is watching tv we
can hear nothing, because he is getting deaf and turns it up too high.
comment by elderjane on Jan 9, 2012 9:07 AM ()
Hi jeri; I keep the TV volume turned up to max, so I had to leave a note on the door "Don't knock, I can't hear you. Ring doorbell, or phone me--I can hear that."
So what do people do? Come to the door and pound away!
reply by susil on Jan 18, 2012 5:14 PM ()
I love quiet when I get it. But I am also comfortable with the sounds of the average day, even when I was in NYC. It's a city thing. What I couldn't bear was old trains screeching through the subway going around corners. Now that was an insult.
comment by tealstar on Jan 9, 2012 6:07 AM ()
Hi teal; Ouch! A screechy old train hurts my ears just thinking about it!
reply by susil on Jan 9, 2012 6:39 AM ()
A rare experience, these days. I mostly experience such quiet in the very early morning, when all my apartment neighbors are asleep. Living alone, I do tend to welcome the company of voices on TV or music on the radio or web, but quiet is nice, too.
comment by marta on Jan 8, 2012 8:53 PM ()
Hi marta; I've gotten used to having the radio on in the background off and on all day, and my daughter can't sleep when its too quiet--she has to have a fan running, or some other white out noise going on.
But quiet is okay too sometimes!
reply by susil on Jan 9, 2012 5:55 AM ()

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