Wellsir, I wrote a letter to the editor about how a Catholic church group had a tearful vigil the night a convict was executed--I wrote that I wish that group and others were so concerned about life that they'd be by the side of the victim's family, crying with them instead of boo-hooing about the stone cold killer getting what he had coming.
So yesterday, I noticed that the woman who helps me clean house once in a while was not herself. Her usual liberal cheerful self was uptight. Soon it came around to religion--she had seen the letter, and informed me she was a Christian and didn't agree with what I said. She also got on the subject of The Rapture. The Rapture is when Jesus is coming again at the end times; when Christians will be taken up into Heaven and all us skanks and sinners and bad people will be left on earth to burn and suffer--she believes that time is near.
Hey, I'm no Bible ignoramus, and I say "The Bible says no man knows the day or the hour. It could be 10 minutes from now, or 10,000 years." (Or never, tho I didn't say it.) Anyway, sigh, it's best just to shut up which you know is hard for me to do, but I did.