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Life & Events > The Letter

The Letter

I have a daughter who has gone through a succession of stressful events, one miserable thing coming along on the heels of the other. One of the most stressful events was the death of her Schnauzer dog Cisco some weeks ago.
Cisco died unexpectedly, and my daughter was holding him in her arms as he took his last breath. She grieved hard for him.

Just a couple of weeks ago a neighbor who paints volunteered to paint a portrait of Cisco for her. My daughter was so grateful and said to the painter several times "I don't know how to repay you."
So a few days after receiving the portrait, daughter had to undergo a surgical procedure. She had been in pain for a long time, and after the surgery she was at home, weak and recuperating and still in pain, when she received a letter in her mailbox.

The letter was from the artsy fartsy painter woman and the letter began "You can repay me by losing weight." Then followed a two page diatribe about weight and a 600 calorie a day diet plan. The painter also said that walking her dogs wasn't going to help her lose weight.
Daughter doesn't walk to lose weight--she walks because it's good for her and her dogs; getting out in the fresh air and sunshine is a pick me up.

Now understand, daughter is not a big fat globby fat woman. She is toned and pretty and though like the rest of us she can stand to lose a few pounds, she is far from being cover your eyes horrible to look at, know what I mean?
So there daughter was already feeling down, feeling bad from surgery and other series of events, and this letter comes and puts her in a tailspin.
I think that painter is an a**hole, with no class, no manners, crass and vile, and my daughter's weight is none of her da*n business.

If you want to help someone, you go sit down with them and have a cup of tea and approach the subject in a caring helpful manner. A letter is a cold impersonal approach because the writer gets to say whetever she likes, while the recipient cannot respond. It's like a slap in the face.

Just because this classless woman can paint doesn't mean she has common sense. That's what I've been telling my daughter. Can you believe someone would do that?
what do you think?


posted on Feb 12, 2012 8:18 AM ()


This women's insensitivity is beyond belief!
comment by marta on Feb 21, 2012 3:02 PM ()
Oh, I can't believe it! The nerve. It's like saying "if you stop biting your fingernails" or "if you stop smoking" - none of her business, and treating your daughter like a child.

600 calories? That's not a healthy sustainable caloric level. Does the woman sell some kind of weight loss product and this is her way of marketing it?

She should send the painting back to the 'artist' - if it was me, every time I looked at that painting I'd be reminded not of Cisco, but the hurtful circumstances.
comment by troutbend on Feb 16, 2012 2:04 PM ()
Your last sentence was very astute--it is exactly the way daughter feels--she can't look at the painting without associating it with that Godawful woman. I told her to put the portrait in the closet.
I made sure I didn't say "artist" when describing the painter, I wouldn't give her the honor of calling her that. She's just a Class A a**hole who stuck her nose in where it was none of her business. I'm still steamed on daughter's behalf--for her to do something like that when daughter was at a low point and recovering from surgery was a kick in the teeth.
reply by susil on Feb 16, 2012 2:41 PM ()
Weight is personal and I have to wonder why people think it is ok to trash
someone. There is just not enough love or caring in the world and I for one
am trying to be a better person. You can grieve as much for a pet as a
person because we see them every day.
comment by elderjane on Feb 12, 2012 4:41 PM ()
Hi jeri; all I know is that daughter loved this dog a lot, and she was deeply hurt by his death.
When I see the people on TV who weigh 5-6-or 700 lbs. it's a yuk moment, but daughter is nothing like that at all. I think the fartsy woman is an anorexic or somethin like that. Something hateful.
reply by susil on Feb 16, 2012 2:33 PM ()
So sorry about Cisco. She must be having a hard time over that alone and then comes this pushy person dictating her terms. How will your daughter respond?
comment by tealstar on Feb 12, 2012 3:36 PM ()
Thanks teal. When I heard my daughter's voice on the phone, so frail and weak it burned me up. I wanted to call the fartsy woman and give her a piece of my mind, but she has an unlisted number. Daughter chose not to respond to this woman's insult.
reply by susil on Feb 16, 2012 2:29 PM ()
First so sorry about the dog this is painful I know.Now that person was out of line.
That was very rude and comes under hate or bully.I know the heartship that you are going through and have a similar one of my daughter.Right now she is going through depressing time after her befriend dumped her etc.Glad that he is gone,he was an a hole.
what kind of surgery did she have there?I hope for the best for both of you.
Again,sorry for the loss.
comment by fredo on Feb 12, 2012 8:56 AM ()
Hi fredo you dear. I better not tell you about my daughter's surgery--she'd kill me already if she knew I was blogging about her personal business and telling y'all as much as I have!
She is middle aged, an I'm an old lady, but she is still my baby and it burned me up that an a hole could do such a thing to her--kicking a person when they're down--you're right, it was rude and bullying.
You have a dughter so you know their problems put a burden on your heart too.
Thank youi for your comments.
reply by susil on Feb 16, 2012 1:57 PM ()
This isn't unusual. There are trained medical professionals, social workers, etc who have no problem expressing their fat bias in the most inappropriate ways. Research has demonstrated, for example, that an employer will choose a less-qualified thin employee over a more-qualified larger applicant. It's unfortunate, but it's ingrained in society and won't change any time soon. When I get a post like that on my Facebood wall, I delete it without comment. If it's email and not too personal, I discuss the issue in general terms. But my personal weight is none of anyone's business and I make that clear. "Watch your own waste". Too bad daughter took it personally. I would have read a paragraph or two, and tossed it in the fire after I got the gist.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 12, 2012 8:43 AM ()
Hi jj; daughter is sensitive and this letter really hurt her because she regarded this woman maybe not a a close friend, but certainly a friendly acquaintance.
Gosh, to have people prejudiced against you because of weight is an acceptable bias--it's like being black used to be, considered a second class citizen.
Also, you never know what is behind such crass actions--it makes me wonder if the writer got a boost to her ego to point a finger. It burns me up for daughter's sake. You are rightin your opinions and thanks for your attitude!
reply by susil on Feb 12, 2012 9:08 AM ()

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