What saved yesterday is that I got all of my Christmas cards. I have extremely terrible postal service in my town. To get Christmas cards -- all of them on New Year's Eve... is just about the usual thing to expect.
Did 2008 seem like a longer year than usual to you? It did to me. It was an extremely long year. There was so much going on, and it seems as if the more things go on, the longer it appears the year is. That's probably why years lasted so long when you were a child. Do you remember how it took forever for Christmas to get there or for your birthday to come? Probably because every event was kind of a new experience and so it was momentous. So then the year seemed really really long.
My sister-in-law sent me an amazing gift (received on New Year's Eve). I was astonished. I won't tell you what it was but it was just perfect!
Well I'd best end this post.
Happy New Year.
Don't even think of saying it back to me. ***laughing*** Now you have nothing to say, do you?

How lucky for you. I see I was going to post a bunch of songs in a player, but forgot to do it. Now you don't have to listen to them. (even if they really were very very good).
when we got impatient. Would you be my Valentine?