If my life weren't a movie, I'd have no life at all. Of course, I am the writer, producer, director, narrator, and star (just like Michael Moore). So when it wins the Oscar, I would be the only one on the stage -- alone. No, I don't think I'm going off the tracks... well, maybe I am.
I've been watching Hulu a lot these days. I haven't really watched movies much in the last 14 or so years. I had forgotten how much I liked them. These hulu movies and TV shows are old, but I like them anyway. Actually I love them. All of them... Some of them are better and some are a little underdone, but they are all delightful to me.
I never thought I'd watch something like "Dragon Heart." But I didn't have to rent it or buy it... so I gave it a try. I loved it. I even liked the phony looking dragon. It was quite a good movie. Really. I'm telling you the truth. I had feelings of apprehension at the beginning, but I persisted. It was a fine movie.
I've also watched "Ordinary People," "My Best Friend's Wedding," "The Times of Harvey Milk," "Siege," "12 Mile Road"... Well, a LOT of them and they are so entertaining. And, that's where I've been all this time.
I will publish a poem that I just wrote... I am doing this because somehow or other I like this one. Don't make anything out of it. It's just a ... poem... not even that.

True or false?
I don't know...

Here's another one... **laughing**
A miscount could be life altering
Be more careful, dammit!
I realize it sounds as if it has to do with the election, but it's much more personal than that. It has to do with my life. Can something this short be called "written"?