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A Path

Life & Events > How Tall? 20081222

How Tall? 20081222

The week after the party was busy, but Sat morning the weight bench arrived. It's a bench, Smith machine / squat rack sort of thing, with a pulldown bar, and cables. It can be used for a variety of different exercises. I had thought about a Bowflex type, but wanted to be able to do squats and deadlifts, because I have read that those are moves that build strength better than isolation (single-joint) movements. The Boxflex home gym sort of machines can be used for squats, but it seems awkward.

Anyway, the two big boxes arrived Sat morning and I spent hours assembling it, after Dolly and I figured out how to arrange things in the garage. The garage is now a "weight room" and storage areas for the futon and my car lives outside. Dolly how has the storage / extra room as a sewing room with the futon out of there.

However, when we placed the bench near the front of the garage, we measured the height of the thing to the screw guide for the garage-door opener, BUT neither of us thought about what happens when the garage door OPENS. When it opens the door pulls up BELOW that guide, so there is less room. Wed morning I opened the garage for the first time and was greeted by a great screeching, a piece of the bench rack flying, the door coming part way out of its track, and a groove dug into the door where the high point of the bench rack rubbed it. Oops. All the noise woke up Dolly, who came down to see what was the matter. We moved the rack enough to clear the door, making a new groove, then figured out how to get the door back in its tracks (removed several post-holder brackets. I bent the attachment arm back so the drive screw could be used again and the door worked again. No permanent damage. The groove is really a long dent. The bench and rack had no damage that I know. The piece that flew off was a cap, but popped back in its hole.

Later in the day, we re-arranged the stuff in the garage, with the bench and rack AWAY from the garage door. No problem. It's just going to be awkward to get my bike out.

posted on Dec 22, 2008 10:37 AM ()


But I bet Dolly is happy to have her own sewing room. My sewing "room" is a corner in the basement that measures 2.5yards x 1.5yards, and it just isn't big enough!
comment by imaginaryfriend on Dec 23, 2008 8:37 PM ()
Oh heavens! I really really dislike exercise. I usually park as near a store as I can so that I don't have to walk so far. Are you the type that parks at the end of the lot? Well, all the trouble you had with your garage gave you lots of exercise!
comment by sunlight on Dec 23, 2008 2:06 PM ()
it did make a funny image in my head
comment by firststarisee on Dec 23, 2008 6:33 AM ()
Wow, that was a tough morning for the garage door and your family. Glad you got it figured out. I wonder if one of those bike pulleys to store your bike above everything would help.
comment by sexysadie on Dec 22, 2008 12:55 PM ()
sorry for laughing but it reminds me so much of things I do and then say, ooops! it's good to see you back here, missed you.
comment by elkhound on Dec 22, 2008 11:51 AM ()
Ouch! I definitely can't say anything. I am horrible with space issues so I would have probably done the same thing.
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 22, 2008 11:51 AM ()
DD#1 and I assembled my Weider exercise machine in the basement's spare room. If and when we ever move it will go with the house.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 22, 2008 11:47 AM ()
comment by fredo on Dec 22, 2008 11:25 AM ()
I am not a fan of space issues... we are experiencing that as we try to buy a new couch...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 22, 2008 11:18 AM ()

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