I never got morning sickness when I was pregnant with Michelle, and I know that they say every pregnancy is different.
Anyway besides the throwing up I have been doing pretty good.
Oh, speaking of vomiting, the other day I was at work and my boss came into my office and asked me what my opinion on something was and I was about to tell him what I thought when a wave of nausea came over me and I threw up before I could grab the trash can. All over my desk and it splattered all over his pants LOL!!
He looked down and then told me to call in town to see how soon I could take my maternity leave. Well not until I am about ready to pop, so I have been given a company laptop and I was sent home.
So, since yesterday I have been working from home on the issues that need to be done.
I should have thrown up on him sooner!!
For your viewing pleasure here is the newest picture of Michelle who is now over a year old and walking everywhere!!