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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > My Brightened Outlook

My Brightened Outlook

Well, I guess I'm not one for feeling sorry for myself for long.

This morning is so much better than my last few days. For starters, I got around 12 hours of sleep last night. So I'm imagining all kinds of wonderful repair to my body in that time. I am off my two antibiotics as of yesterday morning and I'm enjoying my first cup of COFFEE in over 2 weeks.

Off the subject of my health, my husband and I have been struggling with a stubborn floor lamp near my favorite seat on the couch for a few weeks now. It doesn't want to turn on sometimes. Other times it comes on when we don't want it to and turns off while we need it on. We can't get too upset with the lamp as we've had it for over 10 years and I swear it was less than $20.00 bucks. So we've been looking at new floor lamps. The old one was the kind that shot the light upward. I've decided that I'd like one that puts the light downward since I often sit next to it on the couch to read, crochet or work on my new laptop that my husband just bought for my birthday. (I turn 45 this Wednesday March 4th, but Mark gave me my present as soon as I got out of the hospital so I could play on the computer while I was on bed rest) Anyway, I finally picked out a new lamp while browsing Lowe's website and Mark went on his lunch break to get it and brought it home last night. Here's a pic. This one little change has really brightened (no pun intended, lol) my outlook.

In other news, I'm actually going to leave the house today and meet 10 of our closest friends for dinner, drinks, and a bit of gambling tonight at a local casino. I won't/can't drink because of my medication but the casino has this really nifty (often uncrowded) lounge with lots of wonderful space to spread out with friends. There are big comfy couches and chairs situated in little intimate groupings. It has two glass walls and one corner of the bar actually "hangs" out over the city streets. There is no entertainment in this particular area so you can hear one another speak and because it's quite new and unknown to most patrons, there is hardly anyone in there, meaning it's not smokey either. I think seeing my friends will do me a lot of good. This date has been set for over 2 months. I'm the cooridinator and really feel up to going out for a bit. I'm looking forward to putting on pants that zip and button close, lol as I've pretty much been in sweats for the last three weeks. Luckily, I had set the meeting time for 4:00PM so I'm sure to be good until at least 8:00pm, lol.

I do hope everyone has a delightful weekend. February is as good as over. Bring on March and spring and warmer longer days. I'm ready. ;)

posted on Feb 28, 2009 6:26 AM ()

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