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Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Bachelor #2

Bachelor #2

I signed up on an online dating site on the 3rd and am now up to two real responses based on my profile. Otherwise it's, "You are a lovely woman;" "Hello there;" "Hope you have a nice weekend;" and "I'm a man looking for....(blah blah me, blah me)." The latter being the only one that said more than one line.

Is one line enough to pick up a woman on these sites? Not this woman. I need an articulate man who knows how to read, comprehend and respond based on what was written.

I've scanned a few profiles myself and just haven't seen anyone I like. I don't have a feel for finding the right person via a profile and a few photos. I don't get the winking thing, the star ratings, the save profile, or how they match profiles. And I really don't like to chat, even with people I love talking to.

Boy this is tough.

Bachelor #1 is a marathon runner, financial businessman, just moved back to LA, well educated, speaks Spanish fluently, and bald. We have a first date on Friday.

Bachelor #2 just messaged me last night and told me that he did a search for geek and I was a pleasant surprise in the results. Mostly because I'm one of the few geeky women who isn't into Renaissance Faires. He hikes and runs, when his asthma doesn't get in the way. He admired my Grand Canyon hike. And we may have local bands that we follow in common.

I'm highly amused that I came up in a geek search.

So I'm nervous about my first real date in more than 3 years. Thom and I met through friends so we didn't really date as much as we transitioned from hanging out in a group of friends to hanging out with each other. The musician never took me on a date. And I don't count my running date with Metro. That was more of a meetup. Ya know?

It's definitely my first blind date in a very long time.

Being nervous, I got my haircut last night and changed my hair color to a darker brownish red. I've had many debates on being a red head Vs being a brunette. Some women believe that you can't land a solid relationship as a red head. Maybe this is somewhat true, so I decided to split the difference with a Medium Mahogany Golden Brown shade.

I'm really liking the new color.

Please, wish me luck and I will give a full report on Saturday.

posted on Aug 19, 2010 9:51 AM ()


Well I am a red head and I have been married 15 years & I have 3 beautiful children..the youngest a red haired girl who is cute as can be
comment by redwolftimes on Aug 19, 2010 5:46 PM ()
Best of luck. The hair color sounds pretty - with a name like that, it would be.
comment by troutbend on Aug 19, 2010 11:13 AM ()
Adventures in dating are just the start. You never know what you're going to get, but hopefully you will have a pleasant evening. :-)
comment by spicybitch on Aug 19, 2010 10:26 AM ()
oh and if I was unsure of a guy I met for a drink, then if he wasn't conversational and I didn't like him it ended with the one drink and I would leave.... I have also brought Kraymer on dates (he stayed in the car) as an excuse that I had to leave quickly...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 19, 2010 10:18 AM ()
GOOD LUCK! Most importantly, have fun... I know ya get nervous but just remember - if nothing else you gain a friend! And you can always run away if he's a tool.
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 19, 2010 10:18 AM ()

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