Did you hear about the dentist who said to his receptionist as one of his patients left the office, "There goes the only woman I will ever love."
"Why don't you marry her?" the receptionist asked.
To which the dentist replied, "I can't afford to. She's my best patient."
Believe me, I know the feeling. I am having some dental work done and it is unbelievably expensive.
Which brings me to the subject of today's post. This morning at 11 a.m. I am having four teeth extracted, so don't expect to be hearing from me for a day or three.
I have never had good teeth. My parents spent thousands on my teeth; I spent thousands on them, and they promptly decayed under the expensive crowns.
I have had an upper denture since I was in my early forties; and I wore a lower bridge. However, the stress of the bridge finally caused two of my teeth to break at the gumline, since they were already crowned, so I have to have those removed.
I have given up and will now have a lower denture as well in the very near future. I dread this coming week because I know how sore my mouth is going to be.
I went to the grocery store to stock up on pudding, jello and soup, since chewing is going to be nearly an impossibility.
The dentist elected not to put my new denture in immediately as was done with my upper, so until my mouth heals, I am not going to be able to eat anything that I have to chew.
A self-imposed diet, so to speak. Maybe I will lose a few pounds, which I need to do anyway.